Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Open Thread: May 2015

Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation to the monthly 'Open Thread'.

In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and the other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.

Thank you.


  1. This really cracks me up. PUA Nick Krauser recently released this product for "beginner daygamers",

    Supposedly it's only $10 total and you will be able to meet women during the day in a simple manner. Apparently after you're tired of meeting women in a simple manner, you can move into his more "advanced" models and make things REALLY confusing. Also, you'll pay him $199 instead of the $10 for the "beginner daygame" model.

    The people that follow this guy must be borderline retarded. Only thing I can think of!

    1. Of course the funniest thing about this new brohahah of his is that it's all about THEEE APPROOOOACH and subsequent looong streches of talk, talk, talk only… literally talking the broad standing in front of you to death. How people CANNOT experience this as wastelands of boredom is beyond description.

      Probably really borderline retardation, yeah.

      I gotta admit I sorta like the 1960s movie poster design he put to his advertizing pictures, though… that's a nice touch to his shit.

    2. OMG, I just watched the video and the approaches are really horrible... These guys are really ridiculous, super try-hard, ... They are clowns. Damn, I fucking hate the way the talk.

      Dafuq are you saying, dumbass ??

    3. hahaha i love how you guys own his ass.
      funny comments.:)

    4. LOL at the 21 min of that youtuve video. That girl looks VERY interested to see Krauser again! What a line by Krauser, "You look like a squirrel."

    5. Most classic daygame approaches I witnessed either by observing guys or by (years ago!) coaching guys are just a painful experience to watch. Since most guys trying this don't observe female communication, look average, aren't good with people to begin with and thus just intrude other people's daily lives, it's no wonder these infield-trainings are tanking regularly.

      I have to admit to my own shame, that some 7 years ago I used to work as "flirtcoach" yself for a German tantra guru, who also offered "flirt- and seduction trainings" as part of his curriculum (I'm gonna "analyse" his new courses on my blog btw.). After some goofy indoor roleplays and rituals to acquire "carisma" we'd then hit the streets of the downtown area of a large German city and give those 20 men drills to accomplish and then let them loose on the population. We'd be observing them, "coaching" them occasionally on the fly and these parts of the training would regularly end as a collective disaster. Girls would get approached several times by different men and would seriously wonder what was going on. In some cases guys would "approach" underage girls which more often than not made the cops appear, overzealous guys would get thrown out of shops or shopping malls and some guys would even tell women openly, that they were doing a group training in approaching women and thereby hoped to break the ice... If I think back about this period it was just a ridicolous disaster. I must admit that at that time I had a strong general idea about the importance of looks and the basic fundamentaly for sexual attraction and I tried to mitigate the situation for the guys as best as I could, trying to provide "concrete fashion advice" and I remember even accompagnying a guy to the hairdresser for a new, trendier haircut - but turning mostly clueless, well-behaved guys into a new and "better" version of themselves within three days or so and really hoping to make a difference, was a ridicolous endeavour. I got paid well for it back then, though.

      The most stunning "transformation" I witnessed back then, was no transformation at all. The guy was tall, handsome, trained, ripped (BF < 10%), stylish (worked as a fashion designer), was genuinely cool and pleasant to be around, 35 yo. No wonder this guy HAD massive success even during the infield day. He scored a superhot, tall slim, long legged blonde (26yo), because he looked good, she just liked him, he went for it right away after I noticed her for him first and didn't mess it up. I suggested he should take her to a lingerie shop and get some racy stuff for an evening date. I watched from secure distance and he made it happen, flirt and fumble around while "trying out" & "assessing" her new lingerie, then buying good (but not overly expensive ;) items, meeting up with her in the evening and spending the night with her. This guy was the legend of that course for all other (clueless) participants. They all wondered what special tricks and abilities he might have used on that girl that weren't at their disposal - it was absurd, when the real truth was so plain to see for everyone... I credit this course with finally convincing me fully of the seductive power of fundamentals and natural, friendly male behaviour - four years before I stumbled upon Sleazy. Shortly after that course I quit my affiliation with that tantra guru and his trainings.

      That Krauser is taking his unqualified "daygame" molestation scam even "to the next level" only shows either his stupidity (questionable) or his entirely disingenuous attitude towards gullible, emotionally wanting men. I know exactly what UR pursuing here, shame on you Krauser, you moron.

    6. @Marco
      "They all wondered what special tricks and abilities he might have used on that girl that weren't at their disposal - it was absurd, when the real truth was so plain to see for everyone..."
      That's because if they acknowledged that fact, they would had to face the harsh deal behind their failure: lack of physical attractiveness.
      I had debated TONS of times in internet with guys who say tons of drivel about "the mystery" of seduction. They spew all kind of bullshit from all sources: to classic, common-place/feel-good bullshit ('be confident, girls dig that', 'be charming', 'be fun'), to PUA non-sense ('be alpha', 'be a leader', 'never ask for anything'). And when I point out the obvious (that she must like you physically first), they go batshit insane and resort to the ol' good name calling. They can't stand that you don't need any kind of "mumbo jumbo" magic or "krazy elite skillz" to get a girl. Just be good looking, don't act weird, and keep escalating (even if she seems cold, only stop when she openly says so), and that's it, big-fucking deal.

    7. @Marco:

      "Girls would get approached several times by different men and would seriously wonder what was going on." LOL! I'm pissing my pants imagineing this!

      "In some cases guys would "approach" underage girls which more often than not made the cops appear, overzealous guys would get thrown out of shops or shopping malls and some guys would even tell women openly, that they were doing a group training in approaching women and thereby hoped to break the ice... If I think back about this period it was just a ridicolous disaster. "

      Really?! The cops?!?! Fucking hell!

      But to be honest I have problems eastimating the age of girls/younger women. But luckily for me, I most of the time think they are older than they really are. Well, this is lucky for me in regards to not getting into leagel trouble, but of course not so lucky for me in regards of banging hot chicks aged 18-22 =P

      Can't wait to read more about your encounter with the german tantra scene and their dateing advice. I get a feeling this will be very entertaining to read ;)


    8. "But luckily for me, I most of the time think they are older than they really are."

      should of course be "I most of the time think they are YOUNGER than they really are".

      For example, a week ago or so in the super market I saw a cute girl waiting in line before me. She seemed to be standing closer to me than appropriate, but she appeared a bit to young for me to chat her up and test the waters. I thought she was something between 14 and 16.

      She left the market, to my surprise entered a car and drove away. She was on her own, which means she must have been at least 18 years old, because this is the minimal age in Germany for a person to be allowed to drive a car without some significantly older person sitting on the passenger seat.

      Stuff likes this happens quite often to me. On the other hand, I sometimes experience the opposite, i.e. thinking a chick is 22 and it turns out she is 17.

      I (subconsciously) made it some kind of rule to only approach women I deem to be at least 22 or 23- at least in cold and semi-warm scenarios, because I don’t wanna hit on underage girls. In warm scenarios of course you have more time and means to elicit a girls age before turning things sexual or even before approaching just for the sake of socializing. On the other hand I rarely meet chicks in their teens or early twenties in warm scenarios anyway, since in those I mainly meet people more or less my age.

      If anyone has some kind of method, how to quickly elicit a young woman’s age in a non-akward way, while chatting her up in a book store etc., this noob would be glad and grateful to read it :D


    9. Well, I'd say just care about the age of consent, and not the age of majority, when approaching a girl. For example in Germany it's 14 apparently, so you could have approached that girl lol (if you're actually German as I understood). But if you don't want to approach underage girls for other reasons than not going to jail, I admit my advice is useless :D.

    10. in my country its 16, would like it to be 14 though because i get exposed to them more then 16, because schoo girls are 12-18 so your chances quite high falling on under 16. 2/3. i have this is too , if girls looks too young i am scared as fuck, once some bitch called me pedophile in the mall, but i didnt hit on her, i was on the job and we interacted girls liked me, and my friend said my age to them, they shouted PEDOPHILE, fucking crap i ran away. she was 12, it was an advertising job on the go. now i am like a fucking coverup

    11. Hey Kama,

      I think the age of consent in Germany is actually the same as the age of consent. It's 18 years.
      So an adult man fucking a 17-year-old girl is committing a crime- even if she consents. But I also think, that the age of 14 is some sort of mark. An adult man fucking a 13-year-old girl is committing a crime, an adult man fucking a 14-year-old girl is still illegal, but the punishment will be lower.

      16 years is another mark, I think. You as a grown man can fuck a 16 or 17 (i.e. still underage) girl with her and her parents consent without committing a crime.

      I remember 3 or 4 years back, there was some German politician, who turned out to have had a 16 years old girlfriend, whom he slept with. He did not went to jail or received any other kind of punishment, since her parents had known about this and the couple had their OK, but of course everyone (the press, the public, his party and of course their political opponents) had their knickers in a twist about this whole thing.

      Bottom line: guy gives a press conference, while crying and babbling something like "it was true love".

      LOL, if only the German people would freak out like this, when they find out how their taxes are burned for bullshit like gender studies etc. by their politicians.

      But heaven forbid one of them fucks a 16-year-old chick- with her and her parents consent! GOTT IM HIMMEL! :D


    12. @ Brent : Oh, okay ! Because I'm French and I'm pretty sure that in France, where the age of consent is 15, if a girl is 15, you can have sex with her even if you're 65 (but good luck finding a consenting young girl when you're that old :p). I thought it was the same in Germany.

      Basically, in France, you can have sex with a girl of 15 or over (except under some circumstances), between 12 and 15 it's illegal but her consent can be recognized by the court (it doesn't make it legal ! You still go to jail, but not for rape so the penalty is less severe) and under 12 it's of course directly jail, because you're a complete pedophile then.

      @ LazyLife : LOL ! I guess running away was the best thing to do anyway^^.

  2. Summer is coming! Time to take your loved one and have a nice day chillin at the lake! Wait, is it really?

    My first thought when I first wtacht this video 2 years ago was: borderline! But now I'm not sure. This might be (semi-)normal female behaviour. I dunno, since I never had a girl friend.

    But I know one thing: my right hand would never do this to me ;)


    1. Cool guy in the video, I like his relaxed way of handling the situation! ;)

  3. Another study on just how many women says yes to an instadate on the street.

    In other words... if PUAs had magical methods, why does every study sending random non-puas get similar ratios to "gurus"?

    1. Good point.

      Talking about Gueguen I sometimes see his work used to justify PUA theory. He did an experiment where the girls had to mimic the men's gestures and now you've got all the PUA's going 'hey mirroring creates/increases attraction, Game eeeeez useful'!

      What's your take on this?

  4. This is a quite amusing website

  5. Roosh is doing a world tour this summer.

    Perhaps he'll reveal his secrets on how to strike out in cities with millions of people :P

    I'm currently on vacation in Montreal(a place he's doing speech and....a place he couldn't get laid). I'm not going to do any corny bragging, but.....if you can't get laid in Montreal (especially while claiming to be a "game guru"), YOU SUCK BADLY WITH WOMEN!

    1. I hear people saying Toronto was a bad spot for men to get laid. Is that true? Myself I've never been there…

    2. Mitchel, Can you summarize your impressions of Montreal? I'm heading there in July for a weekend.

  6. @ Marco

    I don't think so. I don't find people to be as friendly in Toronto. but it's quite diverse so being white seems to help a lot.

    @ Anonymous

    I think Montreal is AMAZING! The only downside about it is that I can't speak french. Some people can't understand english that well. The women here are GORGEOUS! They're considered to be some of the most attractive women not only in Canada, but in the world. You won't be disappointed in that regard. They're friendly too. The women here are MUCH better looking than the men.

    The people in general are really nice and it's a very liberal place. The fashion is awesome too. Some very cool trends. St. Catherine's Street is a cool spot to shop. St. Laurent is a cool place to party. I give Montreal two thumbs WAY up!

    1. Good to hear. Montreal sounds like it will be a great time. I do have a soft spot for French girls.

      Interesting what you say about Toronto. Being white helps a lot with white girls or non-white girls?

      And, a few times here and on your blog, you've mentioned being white helps. What's your take on this? To what extent does it help and any advice for the dudes that aren't white?
      Thanks for the replies.

    2. I would say being white helps with non-white girls especially. I'm not saying it's right, nor am I racist, but in my experiences colored women seem to love white guys. I think it dates back to history with European settlers and such. The racism in some of those southern states is terrible. I was in Florida last year and it was horrifying the kinds of things white people would say about colored people. I think the physique is the biggest thing for anyone. Then again, I really like fitness so maybe a bit biased in that regard.

  7. Did anyone see the drama between Roosh and Krauser a couple of months ago?

    It ostensibly started when Krauser posted a racist, quasi-fascist rant on the Roosh forum:

    Roosh banned him temporarily and attacked him publicly:

    So apparently it goes deeper, Roosh and the London daygame crew have a bit of a feud. Jabba apparently told people that Roosh is a bitter misogynist and doesn't seem like someone who gets laid. Roosh started banning them apart from Krauser who he'd previously promoted. The Torero fake video gave him etc ammunition.

    Then Krauser went nuts and outed himself as cryptofascist on the Roosh forum and the fallout made this all public.

  8. Hey Sleazy, Marco_Polo hier!
    … das hier könnte Dich vielleicht kurz interessieren ;)

    1. Das war interessant. Mir war nicht bewusst, dass mein Wirken so einen großen Einfluss auf Dich hatte.

  9. "A shockingly clear correlation: the more female-dominated a college major is, the lower the average IQ of the students studying in the major."

    Taken from:

    Unfortunatly I don't no shit about statistcs etc., but maybe some of you guys can judge how valid this is. But beware: Don't you be mysogynistic ;)


    1. It is valid. To pick a field like mathematics, you need qualities that are present in only very few men, and even fewer women. Also, it is well-established that among the highly gifted, women are the minority. It is thus no surprise that in subject that require a high IQ, like mathematics, philosophy, computer science, or physics, men are dominant.

    2. I'd say this also goes for composers. Even among men there are very few, who could even come close to, say, Johann Sebastian Bach, Bela Bartók or Richard Wagner – just to name a few. Of course there were also occasional women who wrote music, but their works are usually only featured in special programmes to heighten the "appreciation" of works by women, sponsored by feminist circles. Apart from that those works are usually not performed, because they just cannot compete.
      It's probably the same with male & female chessplayers.

    3. Well, there are separate events for male and female chessplayers. More correctly, there are special events for female chessplayers. Women are not barred from competing in regular chess tournaments, though. There was only one woman who managed to compete with men, albeit not at the very highest level: Susan Polgar. I dimly remember that she looked down on tournaments for female players.

    4. To be more precise: Regular chess events are effectively all-male, even though they are open to women as well. It's like with the free-weights section in the gym. Women are of course allowed in, but they normally don't go there.

    5. Very interesting. I wonder if there is a large role that hormones play in our IQ?

    6. the funny thing is, most of the value of the gym comes from the free weights section, which means.? those girls waste their time and money.
      its not that women have to go heavy if they go to that section, besides their testosrone should be low. so if they have fear of becoming a terminator, its crap.
      most women just do the walking machine, and just few excercises that you dont
      even need a gym to perform, so either women are retarded or just want some cocks from gym, but if they want cocks should go to free weights.
      because most guys are there.

    7. German wannabe elite chess player Elisabeth Pähtz demands "equality on the board.“
      (Unfortunately only in German.)

      She basically blames her lack of success on everything except her lack of talent.

      Among other things she tells us, that it is only due to the fact, that the female body needs more sleep and rest then the male body, that you have that few female pro chess players.

      “Men don’t have as much issues with long lasting matches as women. But 5 hours in and I start seeing ghost. It's going downhill quickly from there on.” Of course, gal! :D


  10. Gender difference in IQ is a good example of how boiling things down to average can be misleading.

    Popular assertion is that most notable scientists, businessmen and artists were almost all men. So how come males and females on average both have equal IQ?

    Well as it turns out variance in IQ is greater among males. If you gather random sample of people with 130+ IQ you will probably find there are more males than females in it. But on the other hand if you gather a sample of people with <70 IQ you will also find more males than females in it.

    So in essence: in extremely high and extremely low IQ brackets you will find more men than women. In average IQ bracket you will find more women than men.
    Average IQ is the same yet distribution of intelligence is vastly different. Women and men are equally intelligent on average but at the same time highly intelligent people tend to be male.


    1. This is a very interesting comment. You love watching TED talks, don't you?

      As smart as you think you are, you failed to realize that there is nobody with an IQ of 70 who studies mathematics or physics. Thus, your comment misses the mark by a country mile.

      This reminds me of a moronic feminist who had her own ideas of how said statistics were to be interpreted, and claimed that the likely case is that there are super-smart women with stratospheric IQs studying those subjects who are invisible in the averages because of the men in those fields. This only made it obvious that she didn't quite grasp how averages work, because in order for a minority of men to lower the average IQ of students studying education, in a sea of IQ160+ women, those few dudes would need to have negative IQs. So it's either that, or the women in education really aren't all that smart. (Please don't reply to challenge the correlation between 'smartness' and IQs. Thank you.)

    2. Oh, to draw a very practical conclusion from the statistics presented above: if you, as a smart young man studying at university, walk into a lecture hall were women are the majority, you should walk out again. Instead, pick a subject where women are the exception. In particularly fortunate cases you may even find subjects were there are no women at all. No, I'm of course not a misogynist (of course not!), but I'm merely pointing out the obvious. I certainly much more enjoyed classes with little to no female participants the most, and they were also the most educational ones.

    3. Thanks for answering my question, Aaron! I sporadically heard and read stuff relating to the topic in online forums etc. during the last couple of years and also heard about variance in IQ being greater among males, but the mean being the same both for men and women (like anon stated).

      But then 1 or 2 years back I read that not only is the IQ variance higher among the male population, but due to the fact that the IQ is (among other things) standardized for each of the 2 genders, the average female IQ is actually something like 5 points lower than the average male IQ. Based on my daily real world experience I tend to believe this :)

      Although I disagree with anons claim that "Average IQ is the same yet distribution of intelligence is vastly different." (or at least I doubt it, I never read papers stating this myself and could not judge if the data collection and analysis is legit anyway due to my lack of qualifications in this branch of academia), I don't quite understand what part of his comment exactly you took issue with.

      Like I said, I believe both that male IQ variance is larger and the average male IQ is higher than the average female one.

      Anon thinks male IQ variance is larger than the female one, but the average values are the same for both men and women. So it is this last part you take issue with, i.e. men and women being equally smart on average? Which would contradict the fact, that the average IQ of the students in a certain subject drops AS STRONG AS shown in the linked article with increasing percentage of female students?
      The mere fact, that it should drop alone could still be explained through considering wider spread male IQ alone, even under the assumption that the averages are indeed equal for men and women?

      So anons comment was not complete bullshit, was it? Or am I mistaken and fail to see something here? Just curious. Like I said, I have not too much clue about statistics etc. Anyways, interesting debate!

      „If you, as a smart young man studying at university, walk into a lecture hall were women are the majority, you should walk out again. Instead, pick a subject where women are the exception. In particularly fortunate cases you may even find subjects were there are no women at all.“ This is true for more reasons than I could ever list!

      „No, I'm of course not a misogynist (of course not!), but I'm merely pointing out the obvious.“
      In case you are referring to my „But beware: Don't you be mysogynistic ;)“-statement from above, it really was meant to be ironic.
      If anyone, mother nature herself is the misogynist ;)


    4. First of there are about 30% more female than male students in US. That means average IQ of female student population will be necessarily lower simply because it will encompass more of the center part of IQ distribution.

      Second, and more importantly, number of STEM majors is significantly lower than number of social science/humanities majors.

      If equal number of highly intelligent people go to both types of majors, smaller major will still have higher average IQ.

      In other words reason why female majors have lower average IQ is not because they have more females but because they have larger student body.

      If you conclude that male students have deeper interests and are more motivated than females to pursue career in STEM I will agree with you. But I don't think higher percentage of male students in STEM fields is a proof that male student population is on average more intelligent. To determine that you would need entirely different kind of study.

    5. Brent, you are right that IQ tests artificially lower male scores. Males are better in non-verbal tasks than females and females hold relatively smaller advantage in verbal tasks. Since test-makers exclude tasks whose solving probability correlates with gender men tend to get shorter end of the stick.

      End result is that as you say men have about 4 to 5 points lower IQ than they would have without such "correction".

      Here is another interesting thing: Men have 140g heavier brain than females. Dozen fMRI studies have shown that brain size and IQ are correlated at about r=0.4

      If you express 140g difference in terms of standard deviations (SD=.78) and multiply it with brain size-IQ correlation you will get .27SD of IQ which translates to 4.5 points of IQ.

      So it seems probable that men on average have at least 5 points higher IQ. Although question is is this difference large enough to have any practical implications? I suspect sex differences in RL behavior have more to do with differences in motivation rather than intelligence.

    6. Thanks for the explanations, man! Interesting!
      Getting to understand statistics is high up on my list I wanna do, once I have more spare time.

      „Males are better in non-verbal tasks than females and females hold relatively smaller advantage in verbal tasks.“ But still most great writers are male. So here probably the variance comes into play again. Too bad ladies =P

      „If you express 140g difference in terms of standard deviations (SD=.78) and multiply it with brain size-IQ correlation you will get .27SD of IQ which translates to 4.5 points of IQ.“ Yeah! Good point! Isn’t the brain the organ that needs most calories out of all organs?
      A little evopsych theory (hey, everyone is allowed one ;) :
      Since women used to be pregnant more often in the stone/bronze age and maybe even breastfed their children way longer than they do today, they had to save those calories in the brain department. And by the way: “Theoretically it is possible for a beautiful woman to have less intelligence than a chimpanzee and still be considered an acceptable member of society.” –Esther Villar


    7. Oh, I only meant that his post was off the mark because he made a statement about the general distribution of intelligence, while the statistics he referred to were about a very particular subgroup. It's one thing to talk about the average IQ of a subgroup of the general population, when said subgroup is in the top 5%, but quite another when we're considering the population as a whole. Thus, I just didn't think his comment added anything worthwhile. Sure, it may make for "educated" small talk at a pretentious dinner party to show off how well-rounded you are, but it wasn't a good contribution to the developing discussion on this page.

      About the misogyny statement: That one was tongue-in-cheek. Nature doesn't give a damn about the allegedly hurt feelings of minorities, yet these days, when we want to discuss facts that are not politically correct, it seems that the only choices one has, if you don't want to be branded a misogynist, is to misinterpret the facts so that women somehow appear to be superior, or go to great lengths to state that you personally disagree with the facts and what they seem to imply (i.e. that women are weaker in areas x, y, z).

    8. women are not minority lol.

  11. Looks like Tiger Woods has had another zipper malfunction :P

  12. Aaron, I agree with just about all of your analysis of dating/pickup/relationship dynamics, and you are basically the only part of the manosphere I consider to be credible, but I will make a minor nitpick of your inclusion of philosophy among the disciplines that are (still) male-dominated because they require the superior IQ that usually only men have. I agree with that if we are talking about old-fashioned hard philosophy, a la the Greek masters, but in 2015 we have a lot of watered-down social-justice BS "philosophy" in the halls of liberal arts higher education that is very much female-dominated like the various "studies" majors. I'm not really faulting you, just wanting to make that clarification.

    1. I happen to have studied theoretical philosophy at some highly selective universities, so I'm biased. I'm aware that academic standards in most subjects at most universities are severely lacking. Yet, to study 'proper' philosophy, i.e. the sub-fields that involve formal reasoning, you need to be pretty smart. I have no problem believing that an intro to ethics at Clown U is chock-full of women. On the other hand, go to a serious university, particularly at the postgraduate level, and you'll encounter maybe 10 % women. I had classes without women, for instance. My memory could deceive me, though, because if there were women in there, they just didn't leave any impression on me, in terms of both their looks and intelligence.

      Also note that I was referring to the statistics someone else posted. Philosophy is de facto male dominated, even though people are working hard to change that by softening academic standards, which will of course work since it will make the smarter men go elsewhere. I've made this point before, but I'll happily repeat it: to study amidst a group of smart men is an absolutely incredible experience. It seems that as soon as you add one woman, no matter how dumb, smart, hot, or not, she is, guys suddenly change their behaviour. Where they would have shot down nonsense, when spoken by a man, they would suddenly try to be more welcoming when nonsense came out of the mouth of a woman.

    2. yeah, you gotta be soft with them, or you will experience the wrath of the
      female entitlement.
      ah, professor he sexually harassed me after class. oops.

    3. As far as "hardcore" philosophy is concerned, the situation at the most prestigious German universities is the same. I have personal experience with Germany's oldest and most traditional U, and the philosophy students I met there were 99% male and most interesting characters throughout. In Classics it's the same btw. Most women who engage in e. g. studies of ancient Greek or Latin do so in order to become teachers, but not to advance those disciplines. The field of school teaching has been turning into a predominantly female business - if you walk into a formal group meeting of examined teachers, you're gonna find at least 80% women.

  13. Guys, what's your take about this?
    Some people accuse Shia LaBeouf for being "a paedophile" just for some music video he made with a 12 years old girl.

  14. Aaah, just when you feel it couldn't get any better, something like this comes along:

    A succinct analysis by Greenwald of how Gender B.S. and other social justice issues are deliberately instrumentalized for ulterior purposes.
    So surveillance and shit is now OK, cuz we're soo LBGT-friendly. And gay Brits are now just as free as everyone else to spy on people, covertly disseminate state propaganda, and destroy online privacy. Hahaha.

  15. Aaron ever heard about Vault-co and edenism, there he was talking about social structure of neanderthals w/m relationship.

  16. I'm surprised no one else has commented on the current divide that Roosh is creating from himself and "TheRedPill". There is a RooshGate, if you will, currently going on. See the following:

    /TheRedPill/ sub reddit's attack on Roosh:

    His response:

    Roosh even blocked many other Red Pill writers who are also considered pillars among the community, most notably, Rollo Tomassi:

    It would be interesting to see where this goes. But I will say this, dogmas have a very bad habit of destroying themselves from the inside out and this really goes to show you that much of the manosphrere, is in fact, quite like its enemy feminism. The irony here is that they can't distinguish how much they are a like from one another.

    1. You know, I can ALMOST see where Roosh is coming from in regards to The Red Pill subreddit, and PUA techniques, in that most of it IS a sham to fleece naive suckers, and there does seem a lot of utterly retarded morons in the whole manosphere community thinking they've struck gold with some Grand Unified Theory Of Inter-Sexual Behavior & Communication, and quite a few feminist shills along for the ride.

      The problem is, of course, is that Roosh himself is ALSO one of these swindlers, and the only reason he seems to be doing this right now is because he needs a new angle to market himself from. Otherwise, he might have to get a real job, and stay in one place, instead of being a wandering con-man.

      Notice, for example, that for all that Roosh talks about teaching "Game" and all, he barely actually has any material on his forum or websites that teaches "Game" and basically boils down to: get rich, get fit, and don't act like a retard. There's a reason why most of the content on Return of Kings is clickbait-ish bullshit about "How To Get In Shape Easy!" and "The Types Of Girls To Avoid". It's the same kind of crap you will find on any mainstream dating website, except with a slightly "red pill" flavor. And his own website? When he isn't pontificating random shit like "Are We Living In A Simulation?", he is doing two things: bitching about which cities have the worst girls, and writing memoirs about his so-called sexual and romantic exploits. As you may notice, there's barely any advice on so-called "Game". It's just Roosh writing about himself.

      In that regard, I have more respect for Roissy. At least Chateau Heartiste actually TRIES to provide so-called "Game" advice, such as valid pick-up lines, what to do, what not to do, how to adapt to certain situations and so on. 99% of it is overly analytical and nit-picky bullshit, but at least it's SOMETHING.

      In a way, I see the "manosphere" (God, how I hate that term) as a semi-good thing, in that it will provide a counter-weight to hold back the worst of the feminist movement (and there is a lot). While feminism is the dominant cultural narrative, I expect the manosphere to be viewed as some bastion of sanity, but once that ends, in about a few decades or maybe somewhat more, I suspect most sane people will drop it fairly quickly and both it and feminism will be viewed as fringe madness, as we as a society try to enable a return to a more healthier view of the sexes that was thrown out of whack with the arrival of feminism (and other factors too, but I'll leave that for another time and another discussion).

    2. I just scrolled through Roissy's blog and found this,

      I thought it was a joke at first, but I think he's being serious?

    3. Holy shit. The drama.

      Lol @ the tone difference between what RationalMale wrote on twitter and his blog. Blog: "yeah, I still respect roosh, boys will be boys, we are like brothers". Twitter: "Wtf roosh? You blocked me? Are you creating your own religion? Stop being like hubbard!"

      And even more funny stuff. Apparantly roosh created the manosphere.

      How quickly stuff like masf is forgotten.

  17. Holy shit this made me laugh

    1. Yeah, I've been seeing that meme pop up for months ever since those clickbait ads. My favorite:

  18. Hey Sleaze,
    ich habe eine kleine Analyse über "die süße Verführung, ein 'Dating-Coach' zu sein…" verzapft. Deine Meinung dazu würde mich interessieren!

    Sorry guys, it's only available in German…

    1. Diesen Artikel werde ich mir heute abend durchlesen. Vielen Dank fuer den Hinweis.

  19. Hey guys, I came across this post on the pe forum thundersplace about the downsides of having big girth. I would love to hear your guys' experiences on this topic as size seems to be one of the things most men worry about.

    This second link is about how the porn industry skew their measurements. Check it out here

    (Note that both links are nsfw)

  20. LOL @ the game starting to beat Krauser

    1. This Krauser is really ridiculous.

      I think after 10 lays I already understood which kind of girl was wasting my time, so I just stopped talking to them and never had any sexless date since then. He is at 100+ lays and he still doesn't get it. Plus, I bet his lays must have been so enjoyable : fucking a girl that is not attracted to you is defo the best experience in the world and it's totally worth it to dedicate your life to achieve this goal (sarcasm).

    2. yes but once you are 80 years old, what are you supposed to do?


      LOL. Definitely ridiculous. Plus, on his next tweet he says he didn't even fuck her.

    4. @ Lazylife: I'd say 80 yrs. is a good time, to become a philosopher or monk, read good books, drink good tea and prepare for ones own demise anyway.


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