Monday, June 1, 2015

The Open Thread: June 2015

Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation to the monthly 'Open Thread'.

In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.

Thank you.


  1. Has anyone seen this yet?

    1. Haha, this is just hilarious!
      Didn't watch the flick btw., cuz I don't care about visual & mental B. S.

    2. This is the reason why I will not watch this movie.

      Second reason is because there is no Mel Gibson.

      Too bad because Mad Max 2 was an awesome movie.

      Feminism corrupts everything it touches.

    3. I was not aware that the Mad Max remake/reboot, or whatever it is, also shoves empowered females down your throat. So that's yet another movie I won't bother watching.

    4. Well, it just got better:

  2. Aaron Sleazy, I'd like to see you make a post on the "avenging alpha" concept believed in by the manosphere, i.e. that there are these uber-players out there who hump-and-dump all those stuck-up girls that rejected the losers (that make up most of the manosphere). It's like almost a religion to these morons. Thanks.

    1. Well, there is some truth to the idea, but it's not due to some kind of revenge fantasy. Instead you just fuck some chick and move on because she just isn't interesting enough in the long run, but good enough to get your dick wet for a night or a week. If you pump and dump chicks you certainly don't do it to avenge some weirdos who never get any. However, there is certainly the aspect that your interactions with women will make you rather jaded, so it's not surprising that "alphas" just cut off contact with women once they've had enough of them. But this does, again, not happen as some part of "revenge" but simply because you eventually get to the point where you, if you're not a dick in general, reflect the behavior of the women you interact with. If she's nice, you're nice, but if she's not, well then you may just treat her like an object.

    2. Thanks for that, Aaron.

      Just to clarify though, I'm not saying that this doesn't happen, just that the level of pining of the manosphere for this phenomenon borders on the absurd. The morons who worship Roissy and Roosh literally look to the "avenging alpha" as some kind of savior who is exacting justice for all those poor butthurt "beta" and "omega" (i.e. less physically attractive) men who got beat down by all those women. I don't think that the real "alphas" (hunky men) give two craps about avenging their disadvantaged beta brothers in the least.

      Honestly, Roosh and Roissy and especially their lemming camps are more emotional than most women.

    3. Of course guys pump and dump chicks, but interpreting this as some kind of "avenging" behaviour not just borders on the stupid. There is a related manosphere fantasy, namely that all those rejected guys will somehow turn into highly desirable alphas in their 30s and then they, themselves, can do all the avenging they want.

  3. Looks like Roosh has finally went off on the deep end:

    Trying to "discredit" evolution by citing a single book (which isn't even by a scientist, btw) and going back and forth over what Darwin proposed centuries ago (aside from the fact that our current theories are more refined) is really the height of ignorance on his part.

    But none of this matters because what he's really trying to do is promote his religion. A cult of "neo-masculinity" as he likes to calls it.

    1. Roosh has acted like an anti science conservative for a long while now. So this isn't totally news.

      Apart from that, the article from roosh is way to long.


    This a guy from sluthate who was arrested for street harassment trying to imitate simplepickup and doing direct day game at a public park.

  5. Well, there I was sitting in the train and listening to one of Bar Bars more recent videos

    ( ) and then: Creepy shit!

    Just take a look at this:

    "When one of the largest governments in the world start teaming up with big data analysts in order to “encourage” its citizenry to be an upstanding and moral virtual citizen, I get very worried. the article just gets creepier and more Orwellian from there"


  6. I'd like to see a comparison of manospherians and men in general, or perhaps better yet manospherians and men who actually routinely pull women. That would be interesting and probably quite funny.

  7. You should address anxiety and depression. I read several books of Michael Yapko, an expert on these subjects.

    Many men feel really helpless and hopeless towards women and dating and because of that they're passive. Telling these guys, "Go just approach women" is the worst message to give. They first need to go see a specialist who will help them deal with their issues.

    That's why pickup companie$ are still making money. The "trainers" have ZERO skill in terms of understanding and dealing with depression, anxiety, ..., but they claim they can help guys becoming good with women. This is where the fraud is. Look at guys like Ross Jeffries, they're clueless on cognitive behavioral therapies or even hypnotherapy and yet they claim they can change someone in 20 minutes.

    1. Yeah, many of the serious cases of men struggling with the opposite sex derive from self-image issues.
      Just in this weekend I was in a party, just sitting in a corner, and then some girls that a friend introducted me saw me and asked me what was wrong, and if I was sad or something. I told them that parties bored me 'cause I never got any girls, and that I never had a girlfriend because I thinl that I'm quite ugly and unattractive. They told me that I was handsome and that I should "risk more" with women. I told them that I justo wanted sex and not a relationship. One of them told me that many women don't like "one-night-lovers" and they have more self-respect and yadda-yadda (in a few words: "we're not whores"). But just a few minutes later, I saw this girl making out and she confirmed me that she wanted to fuck him. What about "not being an easy girl"? Heh, it seems that shit doesn't apply with tall, white skinned guys. All that fucking bullshit just pissed me off. And I left the party.
      Is a fucked up situation for many men. They struggle with their self-image issues AAAAND with the bullshit that women spew from their mouths. It's an uphill battle.

  8. Attention please, Aaron – you might wanna check this before letting it go online, this is gonna be NSFW…

    Talking about the “campus rape"-phenomenon, the "Carry that wheight"-mattress "performance" by alleged rape victim Emma Sulkowicz from Columbia University NYC and the false rape accusations regarding that male German student…
    An NYT-article :
    Another one with a video:

    TODAY I got this emailed from a New York-based buddy. It’s a feminist video "art project" Emma Sulkowicz apparently shot, which is to depict in a somewhat "stylized" fashion her alleged rape as a sophomore in her dorm room bed, and – do hold your breath – seemingly starring in it HERSELF. So she made this as an deliberate public art project. Here's the link to an upload of said NSFW-video (timestamp’s not authentic, it’s „artistic“):

    And here's the link to a profile page of hers on the Columbia Student News Site:

    The haircut and her facial shape most definitely match the girl in the "Rape porn art video", so one could safely assume that it is actually her starring in it. Here’s another pic with her hair dyed:

    She also appears to be quite familiar with semiprofessional video hardware:

    I do have a weakness for the absurd, but honestly, I'm quite lost for words NOW…!

    If one needed more proof for the actual mental disfunctionality of an alleged female student rape victim, who re-enacted that alleged event ON VIDEO as "art project/performance" including actual intercourse and evoking lots of other nasty associations just by the way she's staged that and all… a girl, who professes, that her favourite courses she took at uni were "Feminism and Postmodernism in Art"… and with student commentators commenting on her blogprofile with „She lied, simple as that. They had engaged in anal sex before and she had no problem with it until much later -- when she found out Paul was with other girls“… now, would this count as definite proof of her being actually, really, definitely THAT fucked-up mentally, or what?

    1. Thanks for posting this. I knew of that crazy woman who is cheered on as a hero for spreading lies about an innocent man, wrecking his life in the process. This entire blog is NSFW, presumably, so I have no issue with links to porn sites, especially when they have an educational purpose.

    2. I had to laugh when I read this statement from the interview you linked to:

      Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer: I’ll never justify my existence through words. I hope my actions speak louder than my words ever will.

      Yes, indeed, Emma! Your actions portray what an utterly useless human being you are.

    3. Yes, it really seems that — even though she most likely never got "raped" — she'd still like to cement the legend of her victimization inside of public conciousness. Since her choice of subjects isn't tantamount to a realistic job perspective at all, she's gonna have to continuously rely on her cunningness in order to foster her carreer as feminist poster girl.

    4. The user comments below that Pornhub-video are also entertaining (of course all male authors):

      - "1/10 not enough patriarchy."

      - "Oy Vey! So progressive!"

      - "She's seriously insane."

      - "Liberal arts majors can't afford directors" (my favourite!)

      - "lopsided ass, wouldn't fuck" (niiice!)

    5. I cant remember where, but I remember reading in the transcripts of the university investigation that Sulkowicz texted the man (Paul Nungesser) she accused of rape the message "fuck me in the butt." The messages that followed indicated that he did indeed fuck her in the butt, and that she liked it. The transcripts also indicate that at one point, Nungesser fucked her anally, vaginally, and then orally (LOL.)

    6. Exactly, there you have it. The dude serviced the ugly broad in all of her three holes and didn't even receive a tiny fee for such a dirty job. No wonder he doesn't wish to get tooled even further as her provider. So after quite some time she just shouts "Rape!" and destroys his reputation and his life drooling in absurd feminist worship.

  9. Thompson Plyler aka "Future" from "LoveSystems" has morphed himself into a personal trainer!

    "Thompson Plyler is a certified elite personal trainer. Whatever your fitness needs, he will help build a better, fitter, more amazing you."

    At least he has managed to get rid of that belly of his, when I took one of his programs some 10 yrs. ago *LOL*

    1. For a personal trainer he could be in better shape, I think. Also, I noticed that his website link doesn't seem to work:

    2. Well for him it's a big deal. I just took a look at the motivational material on his facebook page, and he just continues the kind of scam in copywriting he was very good during his Lovesystems days and carried it over into the "fitness realm". Mind you, he's certainly a decent (sometimes even snappy) writer and a fun guy to be around, but it's always the content that was – and now sort of is – lacking…

  10. Seeing as there's been some talk of the manosphere on here lately, I was thinking about it, and think their "mating process" theory is by far their stupidest.

    These idiots are always claiming that it's so "different" from state to state and country to country. While there's obviously a mild bit of truth to it (male to female ratios, social norms for the country, and how you match up to the men), in my opinion, if you can meet women in Country A, you should be able to meet women in Country B. And, if you can't meet women in Country A, you likely won't have much more success in Country B.

    1. I've found this to be true. There are small differences, but its mostly the same to an almost uncanny degree.

      The only difference is a guy who gets women through money - those guys can go to poor countries and get "love".

      Roosh needs to just publish a book about getting "love" through money already. I think his audience would appreciate the honesty and he's made a name for himself being somewhat honest about how he struggled and doesn't get women (apparently, for some inscrutable reason, without this meaning that his "game" doesn't work. Hey, don't ask me. I think Roosh is some kind of marketing genius for grasping that he can freely admit that he struggles really hard with women and yet still sell books about how to get girls. His talents are wasted - if he can do that, he should be making millions in serious marketing!).

  11. Hey Aaron!

    Could you please write blog posts that are critical of the manosphere/websites like returnofkings and the idiotic human excrement that occupy them? Me and many others would gladly appreciate it :)

    The manosphere seems to be getting more popular by the day and getting more exposure in the public media outlets and I feel it needs more bashing like you did with debunking of the seduction community.

    Whenever I read the stuff there, my head just explodes from stupidity and the rage as a result of that!

  12. A doozy for you Aaron. In the following video, Snoop Dogg, who was in Canada recently, comments that the Camera woman is thick. For African Americans, thick basically means hot as fuck. Now the woman in question is on a newscast, spewing feminist horseshit about how he was belittling her and acting all high and mighty and basically pushing his big black penis on her poor defenceless white self. The poor thing is on the verge of tears.

    What a fucking joke. Let's flip this around and imagine Katy Perry commenting on a cameraman's guns making it hard for her to focus on the interview. The man would probably be flattered as hell and Facebooking/Tweeting about it to the world for days on end. Oh well.

  13. Wondering what guys think of this article...

    I think there's a lot of truth to it. LOL at the comments by Susan

    1. Susan cracks me up.

      She: "Most woman have it all in their 50s if they stay single and date."
      Reply: "From who?"

    2. I just noticed the original article here,

      The comments are even funnier in this. Basically it's a bunch of men saying they prefer younger women, and women (older would be my guess) bitching about men dating younger women haha. One women says men only date younger women because women their age find them too immature lol.

      I can say as someone who will turn 30 this month that I have ZERO interest in women my age. I very much prefer 19-25, and it even seems easier now than ever to get really young women. I find women my age are bitter, set in their ways, and look like "seasoned veterans".

    3. Hahaha, so true.

      Older women I fucked were systematically bitter and passive-aggressive. (Immature too, which is a shame for their age...)

    4. it just shows that women are as clueless as guys.
      or it is just entitlement deception, but this wont work here, bitching how they
      will me wont get aroused by such women,
      i wana see how those chicks get aroused by 70 years old dudes.
      they dont, so yeah.
      why guys can do it longer||? eh women get ugly sooner.
      more fragile . :)

    5. "This is because when they finally achieve independence and look for men who have done the same, the [sic] realize they’re not looking for powerful, indented women in their 30s; they’re looking for attractive women in their 20s that will make them feel powerful."

      Yeah, that is why I like younger women. Because they make me feel powerful. It is all about power. /sarcasm

      This whole power thing always feels a bit like projection.

  14. Look, this guy James Marshall.

    He speaks against indirect game, says that if she is not into you, you can do nothing about it. He also says that when a student has previously studied PUA there is so much bullshit to unlearn. Sounds like a cool guy.

    1. Nice vid. But James Marshall is nontheless a moron, too. There's no reason to travel around and hold "$eminars" about that stuff, and branding yourself as "Mr. Eye opener".
      Organizing pick-up summer-tours through major Balkan countries with the sole purpose of hitting on women in the pedestrian zones of downtown Belgrade, Budapest, Bucharest and Prague is B. S. beyond description.

  15. Hey Aaron, here's a fun PUA to rip into:

    The whole video is gold, but there's a great part from 2.55 to 3.15, just listen and watch. :D

    And thanks for the blog, great content.

    1. It's hilarious how goddamn oblivious he is to the fact that she was joking, and thought that he was too. I mean shit, check out that "I'm this close to laughing out loud" smile.

      Granted, opening up with some light-hearted dumbassery is a legit way to flirt with girls, and even make friends, but that's definitely not what he was doing.

    2. I love how he just blurts out "I'm flirting with you" and then sprints away. :D


    Yet another example of female manipulation. Still, it's kinda funny when she gets mad :D

  17. Hi Aaron,

    I write you from Barcelona and I also "belonged" to the seduction community. I found your website and I have been reading your articles, and a thought came to my mind: it seems that we the guys are getting to the same conclusions separately.

    Anyway, I would like to know your opinion about something. You said in an article that "the game" ends in the preparation. In other words, the seduction is a logical consequence of living and equilibrate and social life.

    I agree with that. My question is: do you think that is there something useful or positive from "the game"? I'm thinking, i.e, about the exercices to overcome the fears to the approach.

  18. I have been with a number of hot women over 30. I actually many of them to be better rounded, more independent and developed individuals than many of their younger counterparts. Certainly not bitter or passive aggressive. Depends on what women you choose, I guess ;)

    1. By "more rounded" I hope you don't mean more pear-shaped. The rest is complete drivel, as is to be expected by a blue piller or, worse, a deceptive woman. Tell me, how did all those fabulous women in their 30s react to you pumping and dumping them? I'm assuming we're talking about women who were single without kids and who wanted kids. They can't have been too happy about telling her friends about that guy they supposedly got their hooks into, but who somehow managed to escape their lures.

    2. I agree with anonymous.

      I've met many women in their early 30s who are into casual relationships, and are attractive, stable, and pleasant individuals.

      Yes, women past 30 are past their prime sexually, but they can be still quite attractive and can offer better companionship.

      I'm 37 and until last year I only liked girls in their early 20s, but lately I'm beginning to enjoy the company of girls my age more, just as I don't enjoy the company og young guys that much any more either.

      There's just a differencce in maturity and understanding of the world - I can share inside jokes, irony, and intelligent perspectives with women my age much more readily than younger girls.

      I'm not yet ready to give up younger girls by any means, and they're still attracted to me, but I've begun for the first time to appreciate maturity (mental).

      And if you're nice, kind, and down to earth, you will avoid attractive the female egomaniacs, and hook up with pleasant women. Unfortunately our society breeds too many egmaniacs and childish narcissists both men and women.

    3. They're usually a bit nicer than their younger counterparts out of desperation, but other than that, they come with a shit-ton of emotional baggage, especially former sluts. Oh, and boy are they bitter as heck. Just get one drunk enough, and you'll see.

      And even the "nicer" bit usually only applies to women of above average attractiveness - the "hot girls are nicer than mediocre ones" concept. If they're of average looks, they are commonly even bitchier.

      And "independent" and "developed" - come on. Most men don't give a shit about how "independent" a woman is, only how hot she is, and how crazy.

    4. Anon above: So, you jumped from early 20s to late 30s. Give me a break! The effect of age on intellectual maturity past a certain age, and that is a relatively early one, is negligible. I have met quite a few highly intelligent and mature teenagers who happened to remain mature and intelligent. On the other hand, I have never experienced a moron who suddenly became smart. Speaking of women: I met some very smart teenage girls who were infinitely more mature than more or less any older woman out there, and those will of course grow up to be mature older women as well, eventually.

    5. Aaron, my cut offline is still early thirties, not quite late thirties - my own age.

      I agree that age is no guarantee of maturity, and that youth is not necessarily immature. I am not even saying that a 30 year old is more LIKELY to be mature (although that's probably true).

      But a mature 20 year old is very different from a mature 33 year old. They can't not be. Life experiences change you, seeing the bullshit of the world changes you, reading changes you. Experience also mellows you out.

      I am not saying any of this is bound to happen with age, but when it does, the kind of maturity that develops through experience is different.

      There are perspectives and attitudes that you simply cannot develop until you see the bullshit of life for extended periods, and havee gone through certain experiences repeatedly, and gave read a lot.

      That's why it's good to re read books throughout life, as at different stages you'll get different things from it.

  19. Aaron, I have been reading your blog on and off since its inception, and this is one feature that is strkingly obvious: you are jumping to conclusions and generalising. You don't know the slighest details about me, my background, or the women I have met, and in what circumstances.

    Are you seriously suggesting that women in their 30s are not open to the idea of a casual relationship / hook up with an attractive guy?

    1. From your post I can reliably deduce that you're a bullshitter. Women in their 30s are past their prime. If you want to debate this, then please give me the phone number of your dealer because that's a hell of a drug you are on.

    2. Besides, nobody is debating that women in their 30s are open to casual relationships. (This is called "moving the goalpost", a rhetoric stratagem I particularly dislike.) In that age group they're freely offering their pussy, hoping that they'll somehow hook a guy this way. Pulling a chick in her 30s is amateur hour, and nobody with even just a modicum of experience is going to doubt that.

      Remember that you made the claim that women in their 30s were, I quote, "better rounded, more independent and developed individuals than many of their younger counterparts. Certainly not bitter or passive aggressive." Right.

    3. Haha. I agree that pulling women in their 30's is not impressive AT ALL! I believe women's value in the dating market drops off drastically after age 25.

      What age do you consider men to be in their prime? I've read multiple things before saying that men are actually in their prime looks wise late twenties to early/mid 30's. It has something to do with a man's facial features not being fully developed until his late 20's.

    4. since they turn uglier with each year they know play time is over, and better secure
      some sucker for value, before they look so ugly that nobody looks at them.
      so now the sucker would fund them when nobody looks at them.
      if chicks didnt turn ugly they wouldnt do this.
      they will just keep the orbiters going and fuck hot guys they can get.

    5. Of course pulling women past thirty isn't impressive. Pulling young women isn't impressive either.

      Only guys on roosh's forum think about women in terms of what's "impressive".

      The point is that women over 30, while past their physical prime, can still be atractive and pleasant, and can offer a kind of companshiop that is diffe rent from younger women, to men who are also past thirty. Plenty of women past thirty are neither desperate nor bitter. Not all of them are unmarried because of mistakes in their youth. For many it's s choice, like it is for men, and it isn't hard for an attractive 33 year old woman to find 40 year old man with a good job who is also atractive.

      Young women are great in their own way, but it's different.

  20. What does "being past their prime" have anything to with what I said? Sure. An attractive, fit 31 year old is not as conventionally hot as she was at 21. I am not debating that. But I, and many other men, would not say no to her if the opportunity arose.

    1. That's again a completely different issue. If you could have an intellectually mature, hot 21 year old, or a 31 year old version of herself, whom would you chose? Sure, the average guy may not say no to the very few women in their 30s who still look good, but how do you think they would react to a woman with the same attributes who just so happens to be ten years younger and still in her physical prime?

  21. What does them being past their prime have anything to do with what I originally said? I am not debating that an attractive, fit 31 year old is not as conventionally hot as she was at 21. But I,and many other men, wouldn’t say no if the opportunity arose.

    And again, you are taking my words out of context. I never ever said that they ALL of them posess greater qualities. Read my original post again. I am saying that I had a rewarding time with some of these women. (Mind you, the women who are bitter/demanding/putting their pussy on a pedestal, I am not after anyway. So they are screened out automatically.). These women have had more experiences in their lives. By definition, you can try to pick up something useful from someone who spend more years on this planet than you (if you pick who to associate with carefully, of course).

    By the way. Many older women are certainly not handing their pussy out on a plate to everyone too, you know.

    In advance, I apologise if this gets posted twice. I am not certain how quickly these posts are processed - and my previous one vanished for some reason.

    1. No, mere experience, expressed in time, is worthless. This much should be obvious to anybody who ever had to spend time in a cohort where progress was gated. After 12 years of high school some students will have studied calculus, while others have a hard enough time with arithmetic. To an observant mind, experience may lead to greater insight, but the ceiling is relatively low. For a moron, even ten life times will not lead to any worthwhile insight. Again, you may lack the experience of meeting really smart teenagers who know more about the world than most adults ever will.

      All posts are placed on a moderation queue. This much should be obvious to anybody who claims to have been following my blog since its inception.

    2. Yes Aaron, we know what "intellectual tradition" you come from, and we know that it does not prize civil discourse and polite disagreement, to put it mildly. Perhaps it's time to seek shelter in a healthier intellectual tradition, nein?

      Aggressively calling people idiots is the easiest way to deflect attention from your own lack of substance in your arguments. Your logic on this thread is not conspicuous for being better than the anonymous you're arguing with. Ypu simply disagree.

      In some "intellectual traditions", adopting superior poses is considered less impressive than actually having substance to your argument, believe it or not. Food for thought. Aaron.

    3. Food for thought: in a great number of areas there is objective truth and falsehood. Sadly, that's an incredibly unpopular thought nowadays. You may also have noticed that if I resort to an ad hominem, it is accompanied by an argument. Your ad hominem is not. Try to refute my position instead of slinging mud. Even better, refute my position and sling mud --- then I might even start to like you.

  22. One more thing. This is getting completely sidetracked, but what the hell - it's an open thread. For someone who's supposed to have been practising Ashtanga Yoga and meditation for years, you come off as arrogant, hasty, and too quick to judge. Not quite zen, is it?

    1. Dude, I come from an intellectual tradition in which idiots get shot down quickly in order to not encourage them further. I don't care whether you think I'm arrogant, but I certainly am not going to waste my time coddling people who cannot construct a proper argument.

    2. This whole argument is based on misinterpretation because anon above didn't clearly specify that majority of older women he has been with were more pleasant and better rounded.

      Instead he made it sound like this applies to majority of all older women in general which is false. If they are so pleasant and emotionally mature then why are they still single?
      Perhaps some were anxious, unsocial or had some other psychological issue they managed to resolve later in life. Some lost partner due to no fault of their own.

      But majority of them are single because they were chasing after guys who would never commit and now they are looking for some loser to suck money out of.

  23. If you listen from the 0:45 second mark, it appears "that one guy" really does exist!

  24. As I said, I have been reading your blog on and off, and since I never posted before, I did not pay any attention to how quickly new posts are added. I agree that experience measured time-wise may be worthless. Certainly, many people get stuck in a rut, become jaded, with set in stone ridiculous beliefs and convictions. I think this is why many people, who have worked in a professional environment with both old and young people, usually agree that younger people tend to be more enthusiastic and open to new ideas and change.

    I don't like usually associate with the sort of people you describe anyway (those who "have a hard time with arithmetic"). As I am professionally involved in a quantitative, scientific discipline, that would have been unbearable!

    1. No, it is most certainly not the case that youth is an advantage. You'd want smart and open-minded people, irrespective of age. Just like I've met a few highly gifted teenagers, I have also met countless numbers of incredibly dull ones. The reason why some sectors of the industry are keen on hiring young people is due to the misguided belief that their work can be commoditised (prime example: software development), and following that belief, a younger worker is preferable only because you can pay them less.

      Of course you don't associate with people who have a hard time with arithmetic --- they just happen to be your managers and HR drones. Also, differences in ability don't just vanish just because you filter for a certain base line with regards to competence. At highly selective universities, as well as at companies that are seen as very desirable places to work at, the best students or employees run circles around the weaker ones, while those weaker ones would run circles around most other people at more average academic institutions or companies.


  25. Black (PUA) freak cold approaches 1500 asian women in a year
    Gets rejected ( Does not even get a phone number!!!!!)
    Freaks out
    "Asian chicks dun want me - raaacist"
    Announces a "race war" on asian women
    Starts attacking them
    Commits suicide
    Does not get media attention because he's black and we all, as progressive citizens, know that racists are white people.
    Oh the victims were women?!
    Say what, anti-feminist bigots?!
    Dare you talk about that you racist scum!

    Source of full story

  26. I just found this article on zerohedge:


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