Sunday, March 1, 2015

Video: Wife Zone and Husband Zone

Topher recently posted this utterly politically incorrect, yet factually correct video on marriage partner selection on my forum. It's probably not a good idea to watch it in the company of SJWs:

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below! (Also, if you’ve got a comment that is off-topic or only tangentially related to this article, then please post in the most recent Open Thread. Thank you.)


  1. Here is a female version as a response to the above, there is some grain of truth in there, but also a lot of crap, but also good to watch


    1. What's so crappy about part of the video?

    2. It's devoid of any creativity and humour. Also note that more or less every man who has experience with women can relate to them normally being 'crazy' or much less logical than men. On the other hand, calling all men 'stupid' is ridiculous. Had we relied on women to advance society, we'd still live in caves.

  2. Just one word:


  3. Hey Sleaze, that video is an old hat. You're late to the party… ;)

    Btw: here's the creator of the h/c-matrix, Dana Mclendon facing female critizism live on TV ;)

    @ Anonymous: Also, the female rebuttal video "The Husband Zone - Ritz and Triscuit Respond to Wife Zone", above all, proves one central point – that women STILL aren't really funny.
    Christopher Hitchens knew this all along *LOL*

    1. Thanks for those links!

      How would women ever learn to be funny if laughter and giggling is correlated with how hot they find the guy who's talking to them?

    2. I just watched half of the first video. Those women make my head hurt. I hope they realize that they were getting airtime due to being young and moderately attractive, and that they need to tie down some chump soon.

    3. did the girl who created her own chart fail in making a chart? Did she really put multiple variables on the same axis?

    4. Yes, she did. Maths is, like, sort of, really, really hard.

    5. Math is totally rapey!

  4. Can someone please tell me what's so controversial about this?

    The video where he had to defend himself was just terrible..... Just look at how these women insult him and use all of these lame excuses as in "we women use more categories to judge a man" or the black women who said "here's what happened, you have all these guys in court marrying a hot women and then not realizing she was crazy". Oh yeah, darling, every guy definetly has a hot women next to him.

    Frankly, I think it's lame and it's not the first time I hear these clichés. You hear the same about looks, as in "oh men tend to be so much more into looks then women". Off course, it's always mentioned in a "men are so superficial manner". But I don't find this to be true at all, most of the time I find that women are much harsher in judging people's looks.

    I'm not necessarily against these videos, since it's good to know how this mating game is actually played. I think the main lesson to take from these videos is to be very smart on the type of women you engage yourself with. Sadly, I think this is a lesson most men don't learn.

    Sleazy, since you're married, don't you think you get pay more attention to this topic? Namely, how to screen for the right women?

    1. Unfortunately the socially acceptable cultural narrative is at odds with reality. It's of course always the men who are to blame, never the woman. She cheats on you? Guess you didn't fuck her properly. You cheat on her? No, that can't have anything to do with the fact that she hasn't gone down on you in years; you're still a pig.

      I do have more to say about relationships. Sadly, my plate is stacked, with only a few hours of spare time per week. First I'm going to release a book on Zen meditation, before I devote myself to other projects.

    2. Looking massively forward to the Zen-book! ;)

    3. "You hear the same about looks, as in "oh men tend to be so much more into looks then women". Off course, it's always mentioned in a "men are so superficial manner"."
      That has one simple reason: we are honest.
      I mean, we are not like women, who hide their shallow preferences under layers of bullshit like "inner beauty", or "I want a guy who can make me laugh", but actually they just want a sexually attractive guy who can pleasure them in bed.
      But of course, they can argue about "social pressure" and "slut shaming" and rinse their hands like Pilatus...


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