Thursday, August 4, 2016

An Extreme Case of Female Attention Seeking

As I have become older, I began realizing that women do incredible things for male attention. Tattoos are an obvious example. Since all women put on make-up and dress nicely, a young attention-hungry woman needs to up her game, so she may get inked. Or she gets hair extensions, a new nose, a boob job, or collagen in her lips. All that is not difficult to grasp. However, I quite recently made a possibly startling realization about an encounter I had many years ago.

I was "hanging out" with a young and very attractive female student, and one fine day she told me that she makes some cash on the side as a webcam girl. The context was quite bizarre to begin with, because when I first undressed her, she asked me whether I recognized her. This sounded plain weird to me, but when you're about to get it on, you are not going to attempt entering a discussion that may only lead to you not getting laid. Talking too much in those situations is also bad because you may end up not wanting to fuck her anymore because she says some complete bullcrap that turns you off.

I forgot about that comment she made, but some time later she bought some nice dinner for me, and said it was fine because she makes good money on the side. Shortly afterwards she revealed what her source of income was. She was a part-time "cam girl". She claimed there was no issue because it was "anonymous" and guys would only see her body anyway. According to her, she only played with herself on camera, or stuffed various dildos into her pussy. When she was fellating a dildo, she said she would put a baseball cap on, and pull it down so that you only see her mouth.

There were two very interesting observations: First, that cam-whoring was a source of validation for her, which was an angle I had never considered. Second, and more interestingly, her female solipsism was so out of bounds that she thought that just because she has her channel online and put a few videos of recording of some of her shows on some porn sites, it's not unlikely that people would recognize her when she is naked. I found this utterly mind-boggling.

This also gave me a new insight into how women may end up as "real" whores. If you're a web-whore anyway, then eventually your viewers may request seeing something more hardcore on screen. Some may even offer money for sex with them, and if she agrees she's a whore already. Apparently those offers are not that uncommon. Of course, the jump from webcam with sex toys to using some dude's dick isn't that big anyway, and once you suck dick as a cam-whore, you may as well do a proper porn scenes. I'm not saying that attention seeking and the desperate need of validation is the sole motivator behind women presenting themselves to the world online. However, it is certainly an aspect that would warrant greater consideration. Also, it completely contradicts the feminist narrative that women who make money this way are "exploited". From their perspective, and given a certain disregard for future consequences of actions in the present, it seems like a perfect deal: getting a lot of attention and making money. For some women this seems to be a temptation too difficult to resist.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!
(Also, if you’ve got a comment that is off-topic or only tangentially related to this article, then please post in the most recent Open Thread. Thank you.)


  1. This makes me think of the one thing that would force women to work harder, do better, and achieve more in life and the workplace. Imagine a world where all women couldn't use their looks/vaginas to achieve dual-attention, dual-wealth, dual-status, dual-power to whatever man they go after? A world where they have to go work for those things themselves and it would be just as difficult for them as it is for men now in order to get the attention that they constantly desire from the opposite sex.

    This is achieved by completely deregulating prostitution and pornography and allowing public commercialization of it everywhere.

    This isn't even a comment meant to be sexist. Men can be prostitutes in the same regard as women. I am not at all saying that they will achieve these things by being prostitutes. So what would this accomplish?

    Women would have incredible difficulty trying to buy a man's time with their looks/vagina when a man can skip the bullshit by going right across the street and receiving the same for money. What this does is raise the competition and lower the price of pussy so much, that women could no longer use it as a social advantage to hold over men to get whatever they want. Women would have to earn material wealth and social status the same way men do, as their greatest power has been legally and loudly monetized. In effect, their motivations might not change, but their means to meet them will.

    Is it any wonder why Feminists are completely against all prostitution, considering being able to make the choice of prostituting yourself is empowering?

    1. "Women would have incredible difficulty trying to buy a man's time with their looks/vagina when a man can skip the bullshit by going right across the street and receiving the same for money. What this does is raise the competition and lower the price of pussy so much, that women could no longer use it as a social advantage to hold over men to get whatever they want"

      Very true.
      I have been thinking for quite a while that the bitchiness of women in a country and a)the easiness of access to paid sex in the same country as well as b) the social perception of prostitution are negatively correlated. Note that prostitution might be illegal in a country and access still fairly easy to get (France for instance, if you know the right places). On the other side prostitution might be legal (e.g. Switzerland), but the pussy cartel has managed to keep up a negative image (shaming, etc.) so that bitchiness is relatively high.
      Counter examples would be many Eastern European countries where a) prostitution is fairly legal and b) social acceptance is OK. Examples are Czech Republic, Bulgaria or (just heard of it) Hungary.
      In order to rule out the socio-economic advantages a Westerner with the corresponding wallet has let's say it like this: Even for locals, women are easier to get there, compared to French men trying to get French women / Swiss men to get Swiss women.

      Topher, if a society would, as you mentioned, completely "deregulate prostitution and pornography and allowing public commercialization of it everywhere", what would the impacts on Family aspects in a society be? Any thoughts?

    2. The hard part would be making this ever come true in America. America has a very strange culture about sex, where the media puts raunchy images out there and "sex sells," yet the people can be quite prudish, almost unable to be mature about sex (not saying anyone here qualifies as this, but I think we've all met guys that just can't get a grip on how to handle sex maturely, and that number of people is not low.)

      But I agree with the points laid out here. Reminds me of this friend I made in Germany a couple years back. At the time I was embarrassed about ever visiting an escort (American here) even though she had that Playboy bunny look. It was just knowing that I paid for it, it felt shameful and "beta." I thought I was a loser.

      Yet, my German friend, after striking out too many times at the nightclub we were at, went to a brothel later when we split for the night. He told me how she looked like his favorite pornstar and that he got to do anything with her. The next day, he took home this hot British girl. No shame, nothing, talked to me about it like it's a normal thing.

      Changed my mind about everything.

    3. neutralrandomthoughts: If sex sold like Starbucks, I think we'd be closer to nature than we've been in centuries.

    4. I'm sorry but you are reasoning like economists with homo oeconomicus.

      I'm pretty sure the reason most guys go after women is not solely the prospect of sex. A fuckload of them do it because self-esteem/validation issues. I certainly did it too and finally after 30-40 lays, I stopped caring so much about being a "super duper ultra alpha male".

      Prostitution doesn't solve the validation/self-esteem problem.

      A lot of guys cannot even go to the prostitutes when it's legal and they only want sex.

      So unless we have a nation of actual alpha males, I don't think this would work.

      Also, prostitution is legal in my country and the bitchiness level of women here is up the roof. Even prostitutes are bitchy, thinking like : "hahaha, he is going to the prostitutes, what a loser". I know for some it's just a role-play, but I cannot stand these prostitutes that talks like they are princesses and you are their money slave or whatever.

  2. I remember a documentary on strippers where one made the comment "if this is exploitation, please exploit me more!" which really screws up the narrative that all women in sex work are not doing it for rational reasons, but because they are damaged or victimized.

    A fair number of cam girls, and even porn stars do escorting or end up in "arrangement" relationships. It is a logical progression. Where I live we have the highest per capita number of sugar daddies, so a lot of girls see this as a valid way to make money. In fairness, you can make a lot of money and do not require a ton of academic or practical skills. I watched a piece on cam girls and aside from the financial one, a lot of them seem to derive a fair amount of validation from it. They can have tons of online admirers shelling out cash to see them, and at least feigning interest in them. It is probably a real rush. The issue is in the transition from this to something more mainstream.

  3. The feminist narrative about 'exploitation' is indeed a big lie. Lots of sex workers are pretty against that story. more here. She is a whore / sex worker advocate. She doesn't like most feminists. (Nor the manosphere iirc).

  4. You guys speak of legalization of prostitution ONLY from the perspective of buyers. Ask yourself this: All girls must have parents. Your daughters included, do you want her to be a prostitute? If your family can support her through college, do you want to become a sex worker instead of other jobs? There are countries where such a thing is a complete disgrace and parents have no face to meet their relatives. Some countries, especially Central Asian states, try to deny visa and passport access to women whom they suspect to become a sex worker.

    So legalizing prostitution is a very difficult question that probably has no answers if one wants to search hard for one. I think a state of forbidding it yet letting it exist will be prevalent around the globe.

    1. Fuck me, don't try to speak for sex workers if you don't know jack shit. Almost all the sex workers want decriminalization. Even amnesty international wants decriminalization. You have no idea what you are talking about.

      You are basically saying 'they don't want to be sex workers because others shame them'. That is your only reason for it being 'a very difficult question'. Most parents also don't want their kids growing up playing in heavy metal bands or punk bands, still doesn't make that illegal.

      Try talking to actual sex workers. Legalizing sex work isn't a problem. It is very clear what the sex workers want, and what is best for the sex workers. Decriminalization. Not the swedish model. And not making it illegal.

      Try to read the other posts before you comment, I posted the link to an actual sex worker above yours. (My apologies if that wasn't there before).

    2. You are right with this. The matter of prostitution is a very difficult and delicate issue, because it reveals quite a lot of unpleasant truths about homo sapiens (both male & female) and about society as well.

      The problem about all of this again is, that — evolutionary speaking — women are not predisposed (bodily & mentally) to hard work in the same sense as men are, and that most women have been and are unable to work in the kind of jobs, which create higher value on a long-term basis or are of particular importance to culture or technological progress (feminism has been trying to change that situation, but only caused a total mess).

      In addition to that it has always been the case, that men hold wealth and power — and as such usually function as the "access to things" for most women.

      Now, what is a woman supposed to do, who doesn't want to labour long, hard hours, rather likes the amenities of a "good life", isn't really interested in knowledge and/or higher education, enjoys male attention and has an overall preposition of avoiding pain, stress risk-taking and frustration? I would wager this description might easily apply to a sizeable percentage of the female population. If she's young, looks healthy and not too ugly, in many cases the idea of prostituting herself in one way or another (cam work, stripping, massages or even "full prostitution") might somewhat come naturally. Especially if she learns about the fantastic amounts of cash she could make in a relatively short time compared to a dreary regular job, by practically just performing the same things she'd be doing with her BF at home in bed or during some ONS in the toilet of a night club. For women, who are to lazy or unwilling to even work as shop assistants, this is indeed a very seductive perspective. In reality those women are financially exploiting the evolutionary predisposition of men to sexually desire fertile women, nothing more.

      As sad it may seem, it must be noted, that in times of economic hardships the profession of prostitution has been a somewhat natural choice for many women. And I'm always somewhat shocked and amazed at how straightforward and hands on women have been in that regard. For instance, as I just learned recently, in economically wrecked Greece (thanks to the fucked up €uro currency and an incompetent domestic political elite) payed sex with young women from 18 onwards now only costs 2 EUR per session. Prices have dropped to such an extent that those women will have sex for the value of a meal or a sandwich. Of course, lots of nasty STDs are spreading like wildfire, b/c most of those women will even readily fuck without condoms and their suitors demand it as well...

    3. In fact, a similar situation occured in post-WW2 Germany. Legend wants you to believe, that it was the heroic German women inside the completely oblitterated cities, who singlehandedly (!) cleared the streets from the rubble and thus helped rebuild the ruined country. I always found this narrative highly illogical, to me it always felt sort of fishy. As recent historical research has finally revealed, this narrative had in fact been fabricated. The women were forced to work in the ruins by Soviet and U.S. authorities in order to receive foodstamps, but the working morale was low and the women quickly felt exhausted. The well known photographs and film footage were only of propaganda value. Instead much more money, food and luxury goods could be earned by fucking GIs and higher rank soviet officers. Thus in fact most of those women worked as prostitutes, and consequentially the number of STD infections rose massively, which caused great concern at U.S. and UK military administration of that time. Mind you, many German women acted this way while their defeated men & husbands suffered unspeakeable horrors and hardships in Soviet GUlaG "labour" camps in Siberia, thousands of miles away.

      I would also like to point out, that most men in their lives — once they marry, procreate and probably buy property as well, must prostitute themselves quite often as well and slave away in their jobs, only to find themselves mentally & physically depleted after their time in the workforce. And all of this just in order to feed their wife and children. I'd bet none of those men ever dreamed of living THAT kind of drab & dreary life of servitude, when he was a little boy dreaming about the life of a hero. Here we have a generically sad truth as well.

      In addition to this us men could never reliably do $ervice work as male prostitutes for women, because we usually cannot get a hard-on if the woman in front of us doesn't somewhat arouse us and/or if we are otherwise temporarily depleted. (Except for lubrication maybe, but this issue can be solved with lubricants, which of course have been invented and manufactured by men.) Also the monetary prospect doesn't equally fire us up sexually as it does with women. Money in many ways really appears to function as the equivalent of viagra to (many, if not most) women.

    4. Hey Lucretius Carus, sex workers told me that the only real way to make money as a male sex worker is to be gay for pay.

      There is a huge market for men who are not gay, but willing to be fucked for money.

      Hetero male sex workers are very rare. And I assume them make up a insignificant amount of the male sex worker market. Esp if you rule out male strippers, and only look for people who get paid to be fucked.

    5. PROSTITUTION CAN BE DONE FAR AWAY FROM FAMILY And be done temporarily (only a few years) to make money for a lifetime. In muslim countries

  5. Hey Aaron:

    What do you thing about the Dubai Porta Potties phenomenom and the website.

    1. Dubai Porta Potties lend support to the "(all) women are whores" hypothesis. True story: I bumped into a few women over the years who tried to impress me by telling me about the trips they are taking, "like last weekend I was in Dubai", allegedly for shopping. I thought why the fuck would anyone want to go to Dubai, but after I learnt about DPPs this made a bit more sense. On that note, I think that any very good looking woman you meet in a bigger city has a chance of over 50% of being at least a part-time whore, where the lowest rung are backpacking chicks who happily fuck you so that they don't have to spend money on a hostel. It's payment in kind.

  6. "Fuck me, don't try to speak for sex workers if you don't know jack shit."

    And you know jack shit when you just admittedly read some internet blogs? I have dated, fucked (with cash or without cash) prostitutes. Some are into it for a short times and worried for their future. Others will stay there for a long times because they are good for nothing else.

    "You are basically saying 'they don't want to be sex workers because others shame them'."
    Don't twist my words you fucktard, I said some do it voluntarily, others initially decided to do it for a short time but ended up doing it much longer due to the entanglement they encountered with their "mami" (Chinese name for the female boss), others are simply being forced to do so.

    "Most parents also don't want their kids growing up playing in heavy metal bands or punk bands, still doesn't make that illegal."
    You are arguing like a dude who suffer from brain deformity or who have down syndrome. Given the status of a rockstar, I don't see why parents don't want their kids to be another Freddie Mercury or Robert Plantz. Prostitution is an entirely different thing compared to music.

    "Try talking to actual sex workers. Legalizing sex work isn't a problem. It is very clear what the sex workers want, and what is best for the sex workers. Decriminalization. Not the swedish model. And not making it illegal."

    Read my post again you fucktard. Not every society and every culture can readily accept such a breakthrough. In some countries, decriminilization is practically impossible because the management skills a government have is basically piss poor. Corruption in the police force will surely increase human trafficking. Here, in Vietnam, even under such a strict condition of criminalizing prostitution, we still catch tons of trafficking trucks from Cambodia and Laos.

    Quit reading internet already!

    1. I quoted the blog because the those voices tend to have more value than personal experience. I mean, I have slept with sex workers without paying (as friends) and also have friends who are sex workers. But that is personal experience, and less valuable than comments from sex worker activists, or amnesty international. Who base their arguments on not just only individual incidental personal experiences. Comes with a more scientific mindset, I guess.

      And please stop starting every argument with a personal attack. And I didn't twist your word, you just keep bringing up stupid additional points that were not in your initial argument. The first one was "you only talk from the supply side" which we didn't do. Read the posts above your initial post.

      "Don't twist my words you fucktard, I said some do it voluntarily, others initially decided to do it for a short time but ended up doing it much longer due to the entanglement they encountered with their "mami" (Chinese name for the female boss), others are simply being forced to do so."
      You never said this. You never explained this. First time you came with the argument.

      "You are arguing like a dude who suffer from brain deformity or who have down syndrome. Given the status of a rockstar, I don't see why parents don't want their kids to be another Freddie Mercury or Robert Plantz. Prostitution is an entirely different thing compared to music."
      I specifically said heavy metal band or punk band. These are not the top of the world. And 99.99% of the cases they don't turn into freddie mercury. Come on you know this. This is basically a Alpha Fallacy. Where you equate the top with the 99% of normal people. If you really wanted to counter my argument, you should have given me an example about countries were metal music is in fact illegal.

      And human trafficking is not the same as sex work. All the people being trafficked into Europe are not going into sex workers. Yes some are, but what you are suggesting here is a false equivalence.

      You are kinda projecting your lack of reading comprehension onto me. Really, follow the advice you give to me. Read back. Read your own post, and your reaction to me. See how stupid you sound.

      You also project a total lack of life experience unto others. Which just looks very weird. (you also did below here, towards Lucretius Carus).

      And I'm not going to go into explaining why your link with corruption are part of the problem and how the legalization of sex work would improve those problems. Because, lets be honest. I doubt you would read it and understand it. Or you are just trolling. But I hate giving out the troll label without being sure, as it is used to silence legit discussions.

  7. "The women were forced to work in the ruins by Soviet and U.S. authorities in order to receive foodstamps, but the working morale was low and the women quickly felt exhausted. The well known photographs and film footage were only of propaganda value. "

    Where do you base your sources from? You read Russian? If not you have no authority to speak of female participation in the World War II, especially the Eastern Front. Women found their participation in the war as honourable as men. A Russian book I have entitled "Советская энциклопедия" (Great Soviet Encyclopedia) published in 1967 said that there were roughly 360,000 women being decorated Heroes of the Soviet Union. Diary entries of numerous infantrymen during the Stalingrad combat attested the tenacity of female civilians in treating their wounded soldiers, even more surprising is the courage of the medical staff.

    Even now, the majority of workers who work in Izhvesk indsutry center were females. They were prefered due to the fact that they could maintain their constant attention.

    You are obviously ill educated in this manner to speak with such a confidence.

    "Mind you, many German women acted this way while their defeated men & husbands suffered unspeakeable horrors and hardships in Soviet GUlaG "labour" camps in Siberia, thousands of miles away."

    Nothing strange, but it hardly paints the entire picture. Women were also forcibly raped by both Soviet and Allied soldiers, and no less was the case when wives raising children all alone waiting for their husband to return eventually in 1960.

    1. The case of German women is complicated. apparently they were better at torture than german males and thus better at being nazi guards


      This is obviously propaganda video, but very interesting.

      One of the commenters (Jove Joved) said :
      "Male Nazis - Commit atrocities in a manner that promotes efficiency, discovering new data, and working toward an overall goal.
      Female Nazis - Prioritizing their own emotional rush and personal pleasure.

      Never changes."

    3. Also, I remember Primo Levi mentionning that women in Auschwitz were far more judgmental, thinking like "hahaha, what a bunch of unattractive losers, fortunately we are being fucked by superior aryan cocks" when seeing him and his colleagues from Labor, making him feel bad.

      While men were "just doing their job" and "Hier ist kein warum !" Of course, a lot of Kapos were harsh but guess what, you can tell these were the little losers with a lot of insecurities taking their revenge on Auschwitz prisoners. Also, they were all common law prisoners promoted to Kapo. Actual Nazis or SS were just neutral and doing their job.

  8. Lucretius Carus, don't miss out Russian female sniper batallion.

    1. Ah, ok that's interesting information. I will try to read up on more thorough info concerning actual female participation in WW2 Red Army operations. My Russian language skills are decent.

      I tend to be rather sceptical at first towards official Soviet sources though, because of theobvious propagandistic function of such records and awards.
      As far as thorough research by military historians (e. g. Martin van Crefeld in his seminal books "Fighting Power" and in particular "Women and War") has demonstrated, including women into all kind of tactic operations of actual combat, severely weakens overall strength and morale of an army.
      Any soldier with combat experience knows this to be the case. Thus I'm inclined to view the fact of women serving e. g. as snipers in regular full-scale warfare (WW2, Russian front, mind you!) an the likes as mere PR stunts, but of course I'm willing to take a look at new information I haven't been familiar with yet.

  9. "You are right with this. The matter of prostitution is a very difficult and delicate issue, because it reveals quite a lot of unpleasant truths about homo sapiens (both male & female) and about society as well. "

    You miss the whole bloody point and I try to disseminate. Women who work in prostitution and porn industry face some tremendous challenge. Some are working long nights under humiliating condition (In China, no rights for prostitution). The most severe consequence is your relationship with your family will be strained. Lots of girls I talk to honestly told me they haven't seen their families for at least 2 years. They don't know what to do when they get home, or what is their future because they think their chance of getting even a boyfriend is equal to 0.

    It's a moral conundrum, an unpleasant hole inside our morality and existence. On one hand, I fucked and paid (or for free) these girls, on the other hands, I witnessed with my own eyes some of their terrible condition. Should I do it or not?

    And lastly, I am not interested in the theory crazy that you present, what I am laying out here is my own experience in real life. That's 1000 times more precious than internet thinking and desktop logic.

    1. you white knight way too much,
      if we take a backward situation, do
      you actually see women defend men for such extend like u do?
      hell no. so why bother force their "suffering" upon us?
      when they whore out, it is their responsibilities to deal with the consequences . women will be like "its his problem, he is A MAN" or some kind of stupid shit like that.

  10. "I quoted the blog because the those voices tend to have more value than personal experience. I mean, I have slept with sex workers without paying (as friends) and also have friends who are sex workers. But that is personal experience, and less valuable than comments from sex worker activists, or amnesty international. Who base their arguments on not just only individual incidental personal experiences. Comes with a more scientific mindset, I guess."

    More scientific mindset? So now I have to take whatever comes from the UN and its department as being more scientific? The voices you said can hardly represent for the entire complex business that is going everywhere in the world. Each has its own customs, operating under different types of supervision. Did your voices tell you how exploitative a female boss can be towards her sex workers? The tight relationship between hookers and the underworld and how the latter can be exploitative to the former, but the inability of the former to survive without the protection of the former? What about the vigorous internecine conflicts between prostitutes for clients? If anything it's more like a flood of ideologies than anything else.

    "And please stop starting every argument with a personal attack. And I didn't twist your word, you just keep bringing up stupid additional points that were not in your initial argument. The first one was "you only talk from the supply side" which we didn't do. Read the posts above your initial post."

    Which is what you guys did, is that correct? Before me, who brought out these shades of this old profession? Who?

    "And human trafficking is not the same as sex work. All the people being trafficked into Europe are not going into sex workers. Yes some are, but what you are suggesting here is a false equivalence."

    Where is your proof for this?

    I find some details that are rather bad for you:

    "They estimate that between 50% and 90% of women working in legal brothels arrived there via trafficking."

    As I said, you must be drunk to make such a claim.

    "I specifically said heavy metal band or punk band. These are not the top of the world. And 99.99% of the cases they don't turn into freddie mercury. Come on you know this. This is basically a Alpha Fallacy. Where you equate the top with the 99% of normal people. If you really wanted to counter my argument, you should have given me an example about countries were metal music is in fact illegal."

    So, joining a rock band now equates to becoming a prostitute? Where do you get that from? What's the bloody similarity here?

    "You also project a total lack of life experience unto others. Which just looks very weird. (you also did below here, towards Lucretius Carus)."

    Spare me your nonsensical drivel.

    "And I'm not going to go into explaining why your link with corruption are part of the problem and how the legalization of sex work would improve those problems."

    I knew you gonna pull this card, but your ignorance and naivete is much more serious than you think. Corruption in post-Communist country is not just a compartementalized issue, it's a whole package deeply imbedded inside the system. Just decriminalizing prostitution won't solve much problems. This is because there is no management and enforcement mechanisms that could handle such a replacement in the event of such a large change in the law. Heck, in the rule by law in these countries are shaky as hell. And yet you hope by opening this gate, more good news can come.

    "Read back. Read your own post, and your reaction to me. See how stupid you sound."

    The only one who sounds to be stupid here is you, who fail to address the issue in its full form, and only likes to bite the sweet pill those sources give you.

    1. Not much time to respond, but let me only respond to this:

      ""And human trafficking is not the same as sex work. All the people being trafficked into Europe are not going into sex workers. Yes some are, but what you are suggesting here is a false equivalence."

      Where is your proof for this?

      I find some details that are rather bad for you:

      "They estimate that between 50% and 90% of women working in legal brothels arrived there via trafficking."

      As I said, you must be drunk to make such a claim."

      I said human trafficking isn't the same as sex trafficking. A percentage of women working in brothels doesn't change this. Last year 1 million immigrants were trafficked into Europe. That is human trafficking. The link is not related at all. That is why I said you are using a false equivalence.

      Not every person trafficked is going to be a sex worker, not every person trafficked is being forced. Saying that a percentage of prostitutes is trafficked is not relevant to the point that human trafficking is not the same as sex work trafficking. You are reversing the causation.

    2. Obviously, you are just trying to act obtuse:

      "I said human trafficking isn't the same as sex trafficking."

      If you even care to google, sex trafficking is one type of human trafficking, what you are yabbling about?

      I don't know man, but you start showing your colour as an annoying troll. Hate to say that, but oops!

    3. Seems you lost track of the plot. So let me repost the relevant parts of the conversation.

      "Corruption in the police force will surely increase human trafficking. Here, in Vietnam, even under such a strict condition of criminalizing prostitution, we still catch tons of trafficking trucks from Cambodia and Laos."

      "And human trafficking is not the same as sex work. All the people being trafficked into Europe are not going into sex workers. Yes some are, but what you are suggesting here is a false equivalence."

      "Where is your proof for this?

      I find some details that are rather bad for you:

      They estimate that between 50% and 90% of women working in legal brothels arrived there via trafficking."

      As I said, you must be drunk to make such a claim."

      "I said human trafficking isn't the same as sex trafficking. A percentage of women working in brothels doesn't change this. Last year 1 million immigrants were trafficked into Europe. That is human trafficking. The link is not related at all. That is why I said you are using a false equivalence.

      Not every person trafficked is going to be a sex worker, not every person trafficked is being forced. Saying that a percentage of prostitutes is trafficked is not relevant to the point that human trafficking is not the same as sex work trafficking. You are reversing the causation."

      To react again:
      Yeah, sex trafficking is a type of human trafficking. But that does not mean that all human trafficking is sex trafficking. (as I have said before, a few times).

      So yeah, find call me a troll. But as you agree with me initial reaction to your human trafficking remark. Fine by me.

      And funny, as I really think you are acting trollish, with the personal attacks.

      I am however wondering if it is a language barrier thing. As I'm not a native english speaker, nor are you, and well, in my country people get charged with human trafficking for helping people over the borders into Europe. (sex workers or not).

  11. Lastly, I know that website of yours, the Honest Courtesan, for a while now. That woman is not without hidden agenda. She is after all, a madam. It's all about money, baby!

    Wake up from your naivete!

    Prostitution is just that: A tolerable business.

    1. Hopefully,the refinement of virtual reality and sex robots will be within our lifetime. I believe this would render prostitution obsolete. Of course,it will also heavily affect the dating scene. That being said,even though women will lose a LOT of power over men, I actually think this will be good for everyone,even the women. why? The benefit to men is very obvious,but for women,it will largely weed out the men who lie to girls just to get sex,so I imagine that by then,the only ones left in the dating scene will be the ones who really are looking for love/companionship (of course,there will probably still be a small percentage of "validation seekers/notch hunters" or just plain ol malicious people,but there won't be as much)

      Of course,that's just my theory. Feel free to poke holes in it if you believe I'm wrong,lol!

    2. "Lastly, I know that website of yours, the Honest Courtesan, for a while now. That woman is not without hidden agenda. She is after all, a madam. It's all about money, baby!"

      So, her hidden agenda is that she does it to get paid? Which she admits all over the place? Yeah, very hidden.

      I should wake up? I'm sheeple? Because we don't agree? Geheh.

    3. Here is my last word for you:

      She is a madam, that means she will extract profits from other lower status prostitutes.

      Alright, the end of this discussion.

      Hopefully you guys who read this can see prostitution from many angles, to view its many facets.

    4. "She is a madam, that means she will extract profits from other lower status prostitutes."

      Think she mentioned she has stopped doing that, but has done so in the past.

      If we follow your previous remark: "Prostitution is just that: A tolerable business." then what is the problem?

      So she is a manager who moved up into management, and later stopped being a manager and went back to normal work (the same work she used to manage). And now she also advocates for her work and colleagues. How is that a hidden agenda? Especially as she is doing it in the open.

      It isn't like she is selling books in which she tells people who to magically be come a superwhore in prossie-paradise, and get all the money without fucking men, no time needed to invest, just follow these simple tricks. While, in reality, not even being able to earn a dime while whoring herself. (A joke about the PUA industry of course).

  12. Try some sources that are critical of Maggie:

  13. In response to this article:

    Life is hard for both genders. Men may struggle with certain things compared to women (such as getting laid easy if their foundation is lacking) but that's just the way life is. Making it a competition between men vs women is stupid and a waste of time.

    1. I take it you didn't read the article. To respond to your post:

      1) A guy can fix his foundations and do a lot better with the opposite sex.
      2) An unattractive woman is completely screwed, but only figuratively speaking.

  14. Less attractive men and women tend to pair together, anyway. Short guys like 5'4 can usually marry a wife of 5'0 up to their height.

  15. 1. young girl observes pretty girls getting all the attention;
    2. teen girl realizes she is a 'hot girl' desired by high-status men;
    3. 20s girl becomes disillusioned with the alpha/beta dichotomy
    4. bitter girl spends all her time making herself fit and pretty... and, having grown up in a celebrity culture, wants her sex-appeal validated via more attention from men..

    cam-whoring is just more self-indulgence born from sexual/emotional frustration.

    1. I don't get your 3rd point why would a 20s girl getting loads of attention become disillusioned with the alpha/beta dichotomy? She'd probably be unaware of it yet reveling in it?

  16. "Some may even offer money for sex with them, and if she agrees she's a whore already. Apparently those offers are not that uncommon. Of course, the jump from webcam with sex toys to using some dude's dick isn't that big anyway, and once you suck dick as a cam-whore, you may as well do a proper porn scenes."

    I think it's a big jump for most cam girls to go from being alone playing with themselves to having an online customer pay to fuck them real time or anybody but her boyfriend taking part on cam.

    It's a similar mental gap as a male virgin going straight from masturbating to then sleeping with a hot chick, of course once it's done it gets easier and easier.

    1. I wasn't referring to sex on camera. It's about sex for cash, the same way escorts do it. On a related note, the step from cam whoring to whoring is a lot smaller than going from not cam whoring to whoring. It's somewhat comparable with kissing/fucking. No, of course there is no guarantee that you'll get to fuck her after you got her to kiss her, but it is a lot more difficult to get from not-kissing to fucking.


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