Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Open Thread: May 2016

Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation to the monthly 'Open Thread'.
In short, if you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.

Thank you.


  1. Hi Aaron,

    Recently got into reading your blog. I've been involved with pickup for the last five years. I give pickup credit for getting me out to meet women, but it did mess me up in the head a lot and I spent a ton of money and time on it. Anyways, love the articles and I will continue to read.

  2. Looks like poor Roosh has finally lost his marbles: he is urging his fanboys not to have sex with any woman who does not worship the true saviour of humanity, Donald J. Trump. This is pretty much what a personality cult looks like. Very sad indeed.

    1. You are misrepresenting.

      I actually agree with him. People that hate Trump are weirdos. I much prefer interacting with people that just don't care. So their reaction when you say non-pc stuff should be none. When I say controversial stuff and the girl doesn't care, I know I will get along with her.

      People that are "passionate" about this stuff are crazy weirdos that you shouldn't let enter into your life. SJWs are really crazy and should be in a mental asylum.

      It actually makes a lot of sense.

    2. I haven't read Roosh's article, but the second Anon makes a good point: particularly for a long-term relationship you should avoid women with issues, so for that reason it's certainly worth exploring where she stands with regards to say, feminism, or any other SJW issue. Personally, I like saying things that SJW's tend to find highly offensive but people with even just half a brain may not even react to, or agree. In fact, it is quite interesting to notice that there are plenty of women who reject or even detest feminism, and may even agree when you call someone a "professional victim". But if all of that is too much work, just use some heuristics, i.e. women studying a complete bullshit major tend to be useless, not only in life in general, but for a relationship as well. Or just check what they post on their Facebook page. It doesn't take all that long to determine whether someone is a whacko. The problem is only that you still may want to fuck them, at which point the question arises how long you will be able to listen to her nonsense before you dump her.

    3. If a woman has SJW-like tendencies, the odds are much higher she will turn into a psycho-stalker, accuse you of rape, slash your tires, etc etc...

      Avoiding women that use SJW lingo is a very wise choice.

    4. SJW= social justice warrior?
      i love trump.
      he is a funny guy.
      he should be president. he is rich as fuck too. he doesnt give a shit.

  3. Curious, what is everyone's take on bad fathers is, in the sense of including them in your life. This is a side of manhood I don't have too much knowledge on. Some say you should always make attempts to connect no matter how bad your dad was while others say cut them out, if they change, they'll find a way to connect.

    What's other peoples opinions/ways of dealing with poor fathers? ("poor" meaning physically or emotionally abusive, manipulative, etc.)

    1. This is a difficult topic. Family is family, but if someone is actively trying to harm you, you need to cut them off. Emotional abusiveness and manipulativeness are character trains I would much more associate with mothers than fathers, though.

    2. Aaron, the media is skewed about bad parenthood. You'll always find some story about some "abusive" father. But stories about abusive mothers are so uncommon, yet those are the ones that have more shock value, since supposedly mothers are always pure and all-loving towards their offspring.

    3. Most serial killers had bad mothers.

    4. But remember that the bad ones are always the bad fathers!

  4. Question for Aaron.

    After reading your blog and its comments, you seem very skilled at debating It's honestly fun to read your posts here because your points are logical and explained well.

    It looks as if everyone who attacks your points comes across as juvenile by getting off topic or misconstruing your points entirely.

    So I was wondering, how'd you get so good and do you have any recommendations (books, tips, etc.) that would help someone get better at debating?

    1. That's a good question, which I answered in a separate blog post:

    2. Thanks for the reply and post Aaron!

  5. Girl doesn't know math, suspects international recognized mathematician to be a terrorist:

    1. She was a blonde, enough said.

  6. Do guys in general want to have kids- or are they just bowing down to womens wants and whims...? Reason for asking this is that I see guys I grew up with getting kids left and right- while to me the idea of having a kid seems utterly insane...

    1. I've read that as men and women get older, their desire to have kids grows more and more, even if they were staunchly against it when they were younger. According to this, it means that your view on kids changes overtime. Don't know if this is bullshit or true for most people though.

  7. Government sponsored "pick up" workshops for migrants in Germany:

    I don`t see how a workshop like this will have any effect.

    1. What... the... fuck...?

      And I didn't see any woman in this video, only whales.

  8. I have discovered an year-old video from Roosh which is so disturbing, it probably needs to be thoroughly studied by appropriate medical professionals:

    While the video is supposed to be about the "schism" from the Red Pill, the words Roosh uses are just weird and creepy, to say the least. He, for example, declares himself as the father(!) of the Red Pill and Manosphere and notes that his SEED(!!!) is written on the improved sex life of the Red Pillers and gamers. Yes, his seed is apparently imprinted on their "game". If that was not crazy enough for you, he also adds smilingly that gay people in the Red Pill (wait, what?!) are using his teachings to have "gay butt sex" with each other. I mean, what the hell is wrong with this guy? Where the hell is he getting these ideas from and why does he care so much, even if it is true? Who in rightful mind says the thing he says? Well, I guess there is one possibility.

    I would not be surprised at all if Roosh is a closet homosexual. That would explain so many things about him: his lack of success with women despite all the macho boasting, his dead persona, total lack of charisma or life energy about anything except chasing women for validation. Hell, I even remember one of his articles when he said American guys were turning into homosexuals as they are fed up of being virgins. Maybe it is some kind of hidden clue. Even if I mostly disagree with all these Freudian stuff about closet homosexuality, this might be an exception.

  9. Greetings Aaron!

    Been reading your blog for a good while now and everything you write is 100 percent spot on. Your latest interview was also spot on... Everything what you've said is completely grounded in reality.
    You said in the interview (and before in some of your blog posts) that you've been meditating for a long time. I have started actively meditating and have been doing it for a few months now. I find it quite incredible to see that most people live in their minds and don't see most of what's going on in the present moment. That's probably the reason why people today are pretty delusional. That can be said for women especially. They react mostly on prejudices and impulses rather than seeing the reality of most situations and acting accordingly. The more intellectually we are engaged today, the more delusions we have it seems. You have stated one time that you live completely in the present moment. I am slowly beginning to experience present moments the more I am going on with meditation and actively engaging in the present whenever I catch myself thinking too much. I am curious...
    Did you do any special "techniques" before to keep yourself present during the day when you were not meditating or will it come on its own the more you're into meditation? The meditation I am currently doing is focusing on my breathing.
    I firmly believe that being completely present can help enormously at everything you do. Do you agree?
    Well, that's it from me.
    Will gladly buy your book on meditation when it's released.

    Keep up the good work!

  10. I can't believe I just read that... :

  11. The women on Tinder are so full of shit. I mean, do you really believe that a guy with a half-functioning brain will believe your claims that you DON'T want fuckbuddies, or that you'll actually choose a walk in a forest or some stupid "interesting" shit over going up to parties and social shit like that? Bullshit, you can't fool me. You can fool the average american male, that has been mentally emasculated and takes in face value every single word uttered by even the slutiest girl on Planet Earth. This kind of guy TRULY believes girls when they complain on how "fuckboys are the worst" and that she's "sick" of being fucked and dumped.
    Yet, ALL those bitches in Tinder who claim to be only seeking "friendship" or "a serious relationship" ON FUCKING TINDER. I'll bet all my money that they would totally drop this stupid bullshit if they would match with Chad Thundercock. He would even told them the most outrageous, offensive and sexist things ever, and they would take it as a COMPLIMENT.

    1. The same is true for any dating site. In fact, Tinder is much more used for regular dating than hooking up. There is a lot of truth in your very last sentence, by the way, and it is one of the reasons why guys who fuck a lot of women view them a lot differently than some PUAs who get laid once in a blue moon.

    2. I still remember TinderHate, that blogspot page about guys using pics of 9/10 Chads and screencaping the reactions of girls. I think somebody archived it.
      One of the most outrageous things was one girl talking to our "shy" 9/10 male model, and she assuring him to not to be afraid, as she is "a very non-judgmental girl".
      A lot of guys were like... "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, YOU GODDAMN CUNT?!" She claims to be non-judgmental in a fucking app that works ON THAT FUCKING CONCEPT. You can't initiate a conversation unless the other person DEEMS YOU WORTHY. There it goes your bullshit.
      And still there're faggots who minimize and make fun of men who go TOW. Ironically, some of them are feminist, ones are too ugly to get pussy, but others are pretty attractive, and obviously are benefited of women attention. So... They're only defending THEIR OWN INTEREST.

  12. What is your opinion on purchasing house in the US, where doing so usually lands you in debt until you pay it off?

    Many people tell me it's normal, and you "own it so it's yours" but usually paying off that debt takes anywhere from 10-30 years from what I hear. I don't know, sounds stupid to buy something with money you don't have. But maybe I'm just young and naive here.

    1. In my opinion, there are only very few instances where buying real estate makes sense. One is that you intend to live in the area for decades, the other a severe dearth of rental properties. For both you should be able to pay a significant amount of the property. There are cities in Europe where you almost have to buy a place to live there. Stockholm is an example. Combined with an irresponsible lending policy, this is a recipe for disaster in the long term, though, as prices have been escalating.

      More or less anything people tell you to be "normal" is fucking stupid. Joe Normal buys chicks drinks at the bar, takes them out to expensive dinners, gets a loan so he can buy a nice car, and doesn't think twice before taking out a mortgage for which he barely manages to cough up the necessary down payment. If you need 30 years to pay back your mortgage, you will in effect pay for two or three houses. Lastly, tell your idiot friends that as long as they have a mortgage, they own nothing, and nothing is theirs.

  13. Germany is trying to teach refugees the right way to have sex

  14. I am in my late 20s and am starting to get grey hairs. I am weighting the pro of dying my hair to hide the grey ones vs women finding me gay for doing so. Do other guys have experience with this?

    1. Maybe work on some of your issues first. How would a woman assume you are gay if you are actively moving the interaction towards sex?

    2. Thanks for your suggestion, I will do some introspection. I didn't mean gay as in 'homosexual', though. More like 'feminine', as in your latest interview:

      'What is true, though, is that sometimes guys dismiss suggestions that would easily improve their level of success with women as — wait for it! — “gay”. (..) and coloring your hair is of course gay as well.'

    3. Obviously, your behavior is exactly what I was describing in the interview.

    4. I think this issue is a bit more subtle. I think what he's discussing is more in line with "fear of shaming".

      Where women actually shame you for doing the things that actually work in getting laid. Women do actually stand around and gossip like "what a loser, he's actually dying his hair, what an insecure little boy... he probably can't get laid without dying his hair".

    5. Or more specifically they're implying "he's not sexy enough, masculine enough to get laid without dying his hair" --- hence the "he's feminine" connotation, coming from actual women. Which are an unpleasable gender. They're always shaming you whatever you do.

      If you make a move, you're a creep, if you don't, you're gay. Same woman shaming you for opposite actions.

    6. It is a bit of both, feeling it is something 'a man should not do', but partly because some women will shame you for it. But again, thanks for pointing it out. Those few grey hairs really do make me look older, so I will get over myself and paint them if I still want to date 25- girls.

      And Alek, 'an unpleasable gender' made me smile, nice one.

  15. Here's a real treat: - the "men are lazy" post... One thing is getting in decent shape and getting ones life together- but for fucks sake...


    I don't want to live on this planet anymore...

  17. I hate it how everyone is a hypocrite about the new Ghostbusters movie. They all say female cast is fine, it's something else that makes the movie garbage.

    But my main problem with the movie is the female cast. Women are just not funny. They could do the exact same replica of the first movie, only they invert every gender and the movie become shitty as hell.

    Women are not funny. Women are not supposed to be funny. When they do, they are so try-hard and ridiculous. Same when they try to show independance. They are just try-hard and ridiculous.

  18. EPIC!


    SJW students are literally upset that reported rapes are not high enough. Thankfully Stanford is pushing back and saying that the university's definition of sexual assault/rape is pretty clear (as well as accurate), and they won't be changing it for political reasons.

  20. Wow, I just read that Kolja Bonke's twitter account was deleted earlier this year. Dang, those comments were harmless.

    I enjoyed his books. Wondering what he's been up to lately and if he plans on staying in Germany after all this shit that has been happening.

    Would value his opinion as he always seemed to be one of the few rational an clear minded voices in the German dating scene. A joint post with Sleazy and Bonke about where Germany is heading would be a quite ineresting read. Even though this blog might not be the right plattform for it.

    Anyway, hope you're well Kolja!

  21. Does any of you guys have experience with staying in shape while holding a job that includes a lot of travelling?

    I'm really into strength training. Kind of need it to stay sane. That goes along with a good diet (meaning I'm (pre)cooking 99% of my meals).

    Now I got offered a well payed position as a consultant which requires up to 40% travelling. Has one of you guys been able to follow a strength training program while travelling alon?

    1. I'll try writing a brief post on this as I've been in a somewhat similar situation before.


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