Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mitchel's Inteview with me is now online (SimpleGuySkills.com)

About two weeks ago I announced that there was an interview with me coming up. You can now read it over at SimpleGuySkills.com. Here are direct links to all three parts of it:

Conversation with Aaron Sleazy Part 1

Conversation with Aaron Sleazy Part 2

Conversation with Aaron Sleazy Part 3


  1. Finding a reliable partner for marriage is a recurrent theme on this blog. First of all, I live in a European metropolitan area and observe that people tend to marry less and less, even if they have decade long relationships and children. In my opinion marriage doesn't belong in the 2000s. Second, I think marriage was never intended to be what people want it to be nowadays. I don't have links/data to back this up, but people who read history have often told me that marriage used to be a businesslike deal between families; a construct that served as a stable foundation to raise children. It was normal to look for romance and sex outside the marriage. It is too much to look for both stability and excitement in one relationship simultaneously, which you also hint at by advising men to look for a prudish wife.

    Furthermore, I view the divorce rates favorably. Marriage until death was something entirely else 100 years ago, when life expectancy was 40-50 years. People in countries like China nowadays often have terrible, unhappy marriages, but stay together to avoid shame; or for financial reasons. We in the West are spared to hold up such a charade and share a home with another person we despise. It seems normal to me that during decades people develop in different ways and break up to find a partner that is more compatible with their current selves.

  2. I was looking forward to this. Quality interview that i enjoyed reading, thanks Aaron and Mitchel! I can't say nothing about it, it was refreshing, two sane islands in this huge sea of internet bullshit. Especially liked the part about the manosphere/red pill culture. They're, as i thought, more frustrated nerds than the tough men they claim to be. No surprise haha

  3. Thank you for this, Aaron. One thing I'm curious about is the looks, status and, money statement you made in part 3. I agree with you but can't seem to figure out which is the most important for getting laid? The reason I ask is because of what a friend from work told me yesterday. He said he overheard two women in the cafeteria talking. One was talking about how this guy set up her sister in a apartment and she basically had to be this guy's booty call whenever he was free. He's apparently rich. My friend told me that they pulled out a phone and were looking at a picture of the guy and one girl said, "Wow. He's hot. I'd fuck him even if he was broke." I do know the woman who said this and she is very hot. Is it true, Aaron? Can a guy really fuck hot women relying on his looks alone? I thought money was more important? Also, when you speak of money being important, does $70,000 a year qualify as enough?

    1. Wow, wow, wow, dude, get some real life experience !

      Stop asking questions/overanalyzing and start taking action. You will see what works and what doesn't.

    2. dude, i dont know where you live, but 1000$ per month should be enough to slay

    3. I know a lot of places where a thousand bucks a month would get you nowhere at all.

    4. Anon,
      it's all important. Looks and status help you to get laid (no strings attached), while money and the status it conveys will help you if your goal is to get a gold digging wife or girlfriend. That rich guy in your story is smart. By setting up some chick with an apartment and getting free booty calls out of her, he is getting a much better deal than if he would hire the same escort over and over. Well, that kind of thinking probably partly explains why he is rich. Also, the women are stupid as they don't seem to realize, what the rich guy does, is that there is no such thing as free sex. You always pay with something, but not necessarily money.

      I fucked a ton of women when I was just scraping buy. If you just want to have sex, and you have money, I would even recommend to downplay your financial success. $70k a year should be fine in most parts of the US. In a place like Manhattan or the Bay Area you would have your work cut out for you on such a budget.

  4. Thanks guys for this insightful interview. Aaron, I'm really looking forward to your mediation book. I'm waiting for the release since I first read your announcement on the forum.

    I really like the topics you talk more and more in your blog. Refugee crisis in Germany, tech industry, career advice etc. This is right on par with the stuff I'm personally very interested in. Would love to read more about your thoughts on where the world is heading...

    I have to agree that CS degrees are the best bet for now. Yes, there is a tech bubble (http://blogmaverick.com/2015/03/04/why-this-tech-bubble-is-worse-than-the-tech-bubble-of-2000/). But I think technology is still the future. Even though probably not in the sense of CS jobs as we understand them today. AI and machine learning will allow a majority of software programs code itself.

    Biotech, Genetics could be interesting fields. But due to my limited knowledge in those industries its an educated guess. Even though totally overhyped - Data Science and BI.

    In terms of leaving EU I highly recommend the Philippines. Want to move there myself. It's cheap to live, English is one of the official languages, and the new president will go hard on crime rates.

  5. Wow! Looking forward to read your books, especially the one about meditation. Due to a personal crisis (death of loved ones) I'm drawn to meditation even though that might not be the right reason. However, I searched your forum as well as an Illuminati's forum for the best way to start. Just one more question to clarify:

    Should I practice with closed or opened eyes? Illuminati suggests to start with closed eyes and focus on the breath. Sleazy, I read you recommend opened eyes staring at a white wall/ candle and not focus on the breath (zazen). Which way is better?

    1. I would suggest meditating with open eyes only if you have easy access to an environment that is free from visual distraction. In short, is there an empty wall you can look at? Focusing on your breath is only a crutch to get you started.

    2. Ok, I have been meditating with open eyes. But I'm so distracted by the slight up and down play of my eyelid. What is the main advantage of eyes open? - only less drowsiness?

      I look at an empty white wall but after some time I always find a sport at the wall and start staring at it.

    3. In that case, close your eyes. Keeping your eyes open demands greater will power.

  6. Probably the most important thing said, Part 2: "You’d be surprised how easy it is to pick up women if nothing fazes you."


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