Some of the topics I follow in the news, like jihadists killing yet another group of infidels, tend to lead me occasionally to sites like the Daily Mail. There, you get bombarded with "related links" that normally lead to gossip about celebrities, mixed up with acts of terrorism, rape, divorce scandals and whatever else floats the boat of your typical Daily Mail reader.
What I found remarkable, though, is that no matter how old a woman they do an article on is, she is always "gorgeous". This might be an adequate assessment if it's some 20 year-old air head. However, they don't change the wording even when they write on a woman in her 50s. For a case in point, look at the "impressive physique" of this 50-year old named Emma Forbes. It would presumably fall under "fair use" to paste a picture here, but I don't want to expose you to that material without warning. Keep in mind that the other links are even harder to stomach.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Reader Question: How does a nerdy introvert meet hot women?
Reader "smashthestate" left the following comment on the most recent Open Thread. I think it serves as a very good example of why people fall for seduction community bullshit:
I have a question for Alek Novy but ofc anyone can pitch in...
As someone who advocates social circle game, how do you suggest an introvert with niche interests starts getting regular access to hot women that are also personally compatible?
I'm looking for a relationship and I really suck at clubbing (don't really have it in me to approach and I'm not good looking enough I think). Problem is I mostly have male friends in nerdy circles that rarely have any women involved - and if there are any, they are usually unavailable due to already having a BF or simply not being attracted to me.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
About the Future Direction of this Blog
A lot of the feedback I got to my recent article on mass migration --- part II will follow within the next few days --- was very thought-provoking, and touches upon several issues I would like to explore further, with a public discussion as well. However, it seems that following this direction would move too far away from the main themes I have been covering as "Aaron Sleazy". Thus, I will explore those issues on a separate blog. I'll let you know about the details soon. In fact, I have been playing around with the idea to discuss some of the more serious topics, like relationships and issues related to philosophy of life, inasmuch as it pertains to more than just your relationship to pussy, on a separate blog or website for quite some time.
Thus, in the future, "Aaron Sleazy" will more generally focus on women, pickup, and the occasional gender politics issue, while another blog, under a different pen name, will discuss topics of a more serious nature. It seems that a significant part of my audience consists of critical thinkers, so there arguably will be some overlap in the target audience anyway.
Over the last few years I got a steady trickle of emails in which people asked me whether I was "quitting" or whether I had dropped writing, or something to that effect. This is not true. I have been focusing on moving into a different direction in real life, which was, and still is, a rather time-consuming endeavor. It seems to be turning out quite alright, though. I still have a few intense months ahead of me, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. You may have noticed that I have been posting a bit more in November, compared to previous months. I will hopefully be able to increase my output further in the near future.
However, do note that I consider my work on "Aaron Sleazy"-related topics to be largely done. There are still topics worth writing about, at least on a blog. I intend to discuss different, and partly related topics, in future books, but under a different pen name. For instance, I have been working on a book on relationships, which I will not release as Aaron Sleazy. Likewise, my upcoming book on meditation will not be released as an Aaron Sleazy book either. I think there will be at least one more Aaron Sleazy book, though.
I have now been writing online for close to ten years, and all of it started more or less as an accident. I never had any plan to follow a particular marketing strategy, nor was my goal to get the most money out of this. My writing has always been a hobby, and an important creative outlet for me. It is not my main occupation. For you, as a reader, this has the benefit that I can afford to upset people. In other words, I express a genuine point of view, which seems to be a relatively rare thing online these days. I could arguably have more readers if I kowtowed to the ideological mainstream, or jumped on, for instance, the manuresphere bandwagon, but that would rob me of any motivation to express my views online. I express my point of view, not the point of view my target reader would want to see expressed. I am very grateful for the many smart people who comment on my blog, write on my forum, or email me. The quality of my audience is much more important for me than its quantity, and this will not change, no matter under which name I am going to write online in the future.
Thus, in the future, "Aaron Sleazy" will more generally focus on women, pickup, and the occasional gender politics issue, while another blog, under a different pen name, will discuss topics of a more serious nature. It seems that a significant part of my audience consists of critical thinkers, so there arguably will be some overlap in the target audience anyway.
Over the last few years I got a steady trickle of emails in which people asked me whether I was "quitting" or whether I had dropped writing, or something to that effect. This is not true. I have been focusing on moving into a different direction in real life, which was, and still is, a rather time-consuming endeavor. It seems to be turning out quite alright, though. I still have a few intense months ahead of me, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. You may have noticed that I have been posting a bit more in November, compared to previous months. I will hopefully be able to increase my output further in the near future.
However, do note that I consider my work on "Aaron Sleazy"-related topics to be largely done. There are still topics worth writing about, at least on a blog. I intend to discuss different, and partly related topics, in future books, but under a different pen name. For instance, I have been working on a book on relationships, which I will not release as Aaron Sleazy. Likewise, my upcoming book on meditation will not be released as an Aaron Sleazy book either. I think there will be at least one more Aaron Sleazy book, though.
I have now been writing online for close to ten years, and all of it started more or less as an accident. I never had any plan to follow a particular marketing strategy, nor was my goal to get the most money out of this. My writing has always been a hobby, and an important creative outlet for me. It is not my main occupation. For you, as a reader, this has the benefit that I can afford to upset people. In other words, I express a genuine point of view, which seems to be a relatively rare thing online these days. I could arguably have more readers if I kowtowed to the ideological mainstream, or jumped on, for instance, the manuresphere bandwagon, but that would rob me of any motivation to express my views online. I express my point of view, not the point of view my target reader would want to see expressed. I am very grateful for the many smart people who comment on my blog, write on my forum, or email me. The quality of my audience is much more important for me than its quantity, and this will not change, no matter under which name I am going to write online in the future.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
The Open Thread: December 2015
Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to
the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation to
the monthly 'Open Thread'.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Mass Migration, Divorce Courts, and the Systematic Subjugation of Betas (Part I)
This is a post highly critical of Western society. I will draw a parallel between a systematic abuse targeting both entire nations, namely unrestrained and illegal mass immigration in Western Europe, which will destroy one society after another, and the destruction of the economic livelihood of men who get raped in divorce courts. Some of my points may seem far-fetched, but if you want to engage in a debate with me in the comment section, I at the very least expect you to put a modicum of thought into contribution.
In the first part I will discuss the disastrous contemporary political realities in Western Europe, focusing on Germany, but, to varying degrees, the same applies to other European countries as well. Part II will be on the alimony and child support racket.
Gimmegration = Illegal Mass Migration due to Economic Motives
Those of you who know about what has been happening in Europe with regards to unrestrained and illegal mass migration, and are able to think for themselves probably realize that Europe is going down fast. Frankly, I think the situation is beyond hope. Just to briefly summarize the situation in Germany: this year, about two million illegal immigrants are expected. In fact, nobody even knows how many have arrived.
Now, you may wonder why I dare to call those people illegals. This is simply due to laws such as the Dublin Regulations. In short, an asylum seeker has to apply for asylum in the first safe county he enters. These days we are mostly dealing with men, so I can skip the female pronoun. Should Muhammad Gimmegrant decide that Greece is not safe enough and head off to safer, i.e. wealthier countries in the North, he is, as a matter of fact illegally entering foreign territory. In saner times, this would be a serious crime. In fact, it is still a crime, and there are countries where you will be shot if you dare to enter illegally and don’t heed the warning of the border police.
A Woman Invited them All In
However, German chancellor Angela Merkel invited them all in. I really have no idea what she is snorting, but it must be some really potent stuff, which made her utter that she does not care whether she is responsible on gimmegrants flooding the country, "because now they are there" [source in German]”. What kind of logic is this? Just claim you’re from Syria, and you’ll get food, shelter, clothing, and some pocket money on top as well. Go ahead and rape native women — the police and press will do their best to cover it up, in order to not incite racist sentiments.
Let’s talk about numbers! Consider that on some days over 10,000 gimmegrants illegally entered Germany. Just slowly digest the number: ten-fucking-thousand, basically a small town, day after day for weeks on end. Note that we are not talking about “doctors and engineers”, unlike the elites tried to tell the people, but largely poorly educated people, with a significant number of illiterates. There is very little hope that more than an insignificant percentage of them will be able to make a positive economic contribution to this country. Besides, let’s not forget that there are millions of unemployed or underemployed Germans who would certainly like to take all the allegedly available jobs this flood of illegal migrants is supposed to take up. Of course you'd be called a racist if you pointed out that those people then to have dramatically lower IQs. For instance, a recent study found that the best guess for the African median IQ is 75. In case you are not familiar with IQ values: 100 is "normal", even with 105 you're seen as noticeably smarter. On the other hand, an IQ of 75 is close to mental retardation. [The source is the study "African cognitive ability: Research, results, divergences and recommendations" by the renowned psychologist R. Rindermann.]
Beta men of Germany, bend over!
What will be the result of all of this? Frankly, it does not take much to predict a dramatic lowering of living standards, dramatic increase of crime rates, and ever-larger parallel societies. In 10 to 15 years most of Germany will look like Berlin-Kreuzberg or Duisburg-Marxloh. Given that the majority of taxes are paid by men, all those German betas will have to bend over to finance shelter, food, clothing, and pocket money for their occupiers. At the same time, German boys and girls will have to share class rooms with a large number of people from societies in which education is not quite so highly valued. Sweden provides an excellent example of what happens if you let in large numbers of people who eagerly procreate, but who are not so eager to adopt Western values. In fact, Sweden steadily worked its way towards the bottom of the entire OECD in the PISA survey, which measures high school student performance.
Do you think there is a pattern? I would say there is, namely an utter disregard for reality, which manifests itself by happily taking actions without considering their long term consequences. Countries like Sweden and Germany let in an inordinate amount of illegals, seemingly just because they “feel like it”, completely ignoring the long-term costs. It’s the equivalent of some semi-decently looking chick getting tattoos, doing porn to fund her drug habit, and hoping that she’ll be able to settle down with a millionaire in her early 40s, in order to start a family. Of course this sounds absurd, but it sounds a lot less absurd than inviting two million illegals into your country in 2015 alone, and funding a comparably comfortable life for them. In the end, the obedient betas will have to pay for the multicultural fever dreams of the elites, at least until the demographic shift has happened that is due to having more adolescent muslim men than adolescent Germans in the country. What could possibly go wrong?
In the second part, I will discuss how society tries to break the back of men with alimony and child support, and draw some parallels to the greater political scene, since there is a common theme.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!
(Also, if you’ve got a comment that is off-topic or only tangentially related to this article, then please post in the most recent Open Thread. Thank you.)
In the first part I will discuss the disastrous contemporary political realities in Western Europe, focusing on Germany, but, to varying degrees, the same applies to other European countries as well. Part II will be on the alimony and child support racket.
Gimmegration = Illegal Mass Migration due to Economic Motives
Those of you who know about what has been happening in Europe with regards to unrestrained and illegal mass migration, and are able to think for themselves probably realize that Europe is going down fast. Frankly, I think the situation is beyond hope. Just to briefly summarize the situation in Germany: this year, about two million illegal immigrants are expected. In fact, nobody even knows how many have arrived.
Now, you may wonder why I dare to call those people illegals. This is simply due to laws such as the Dublin Regulations. In short, an asylum seeker has to apply for asylum in the first safe county he enters. These days we are mostly dealing with men, so I can skip the female pronoun. Should Muhammad Gimmegrant decide that Greece is not safe enough and head off to safer, i.e. wealthier countries in the North, he is, as a matter of fact illegally entering foreign territory. In saner times, this would be a serious crime. In fact, it is still a crime, and there are countries where you will be shot if you dare to enter illegally and don’t heed the warning of the border police.
A Woman Invited them All In
However, German chancellor Angela Merkel invited them all in. I really have no idea what she is snorting, but it must be some really potent stuff, which made her utter that she does not care whether she is responsible on gimmegrants flooding the country, "because now they are there" [source in German]”. What kind of logic is this? Just claim you’re from Syria, and you’ll get food, shelter, clothing, and some pocket money on top as well. Go ahead and rape native women — the police and press will do their best to cover it up, in order to not incite racist sentiments.
Let’s talk about numbers! Consider that on some days over 10,000 gimmegrants illegally entered Germany. Just slowly digest the number: ten-fucking-thousand, basically a small town, day after day for weeks on end. Note that we are not talking about “doctors and engineers”, unlike the elites tried to tell the people, but largely poorly educated people, with a significant number of illiterates. There is very little hope that more than an insignificant percentage of them will be able to make a positive economic contribution to this country. Besides, let’s not forget that there are millions of unemployed or underemployed Germans who would certainly like to take all the allegedly available jobs this flood of illegal migrants is supposed to take up. Of course you'd be called a racist if you pointed out that those people then to have dramatically lower IQs. For instance, a recent study found that the best guess for the African median IQ is 75. In case you are not familiar with IQ values: 100 is "normal", even with 105 you're seen as noticeably smarter. On the other hand, an IQ of 75 is close to mental retardation. [The source is the study "African cognitive ability: Research, results, divergences and recommendations" by the renowned psychologist R. Rindermann.]
Beta men of Germany, bend over!
What will be the result of all of this? Frankly, it does not take much to predict a dramatic lowering of living standards, dramatic increase of crime rates, and ever-larger parallel societies. In 10 to 15 years most of Germany will look like Berlin-Kreuzberg or Duisburg-Marxloh. Given that the majority of taxes are paid by men, all those German betas will have to bend over to finance shelter, food, clothing, and pocket money for their occupiers. At the same time, German boys and girls will have to share class rooms with a large number of people from societies in which education is not quite so highly valued. Sweden provides an excellent example of what happens if you let in large numbers of people who eagerly procreate, but who are not so eager to adopt Western values. In fact, Sweden steadily worked its way towards the bottom of the entire OECD in the PISA survey, which measures high school student performance.
Do you think there is a pattern? I would say there is, namely an utter disregard for reality, which manifests itself by happily taking actions without considering their long term consequences. Countries like Sweden and Germany let in an inordinate amount of illegals, seemingly just because they “feel like it”, completely ignoring the long-term costs. It’s the equivalent of some semi-decently looking chick getting tattoos, doing porn to fund her drug habit, and hoping that she’ll be able to settle down with a millionaire in her early 40s, in order to start a family. Of course this sounds absurd, but it sounds a lot less absurd than inviting two million illegals into your country in 2015 alone, and funding a comparably comfortable life for them. In the end, the obedient betas will have to pay for the multicultural fever dreams of the elites, at least until the demographic shift has happened that is due to having more adolescent muslim men than adolescent Germans in the country. What could possibly go wrong?
In the second part, I will discuss how society tries to break the back of men with alimony and child support, and draw some parallels to the greater political scene, since there is a common theme.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!
(Also, if you’ve got a comment that is off-topic or only tangentially related to this article, then please post in the most recent Open Thread. Thank you.)
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Your girl always has big plans for the two of you
In a recent email exchange, a friend of mine dropped that he was now in a relationship. He doesn’t think it’s serious, but, as he remarked, she seems to be having big plans. I found this amusing, as it points towards a fundamental aspect of the female psyche: She always has big plans.
The previous statement might need some qualification. True, in this day and age, girls are supposed to behave like “alpha males”, go through a few dozen cocks as an expression of their independence, and manage to settle down before they hit the proverbial wall. What girls very quickly learn, though, is that it really is not so easy to get laid by alpha guys all the time, and those tend to quickly move on.
The previous statement might need some qualification. True, in this day and age, girls are supposed to behave like “alpha males”, go through a few dozen cocks as an expression of their independence, and manage to settle down before they hit the proverbial wall. What girls very quickly learn, though, is that it really is not so easy to get laid by alpha guys all the time, and those tend to quickly move on.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
The "Honest Deception" video and the reality of open relationships (for betas)
Some time ago someone posted a video with the title "Honest Deception" on this blog. The scene shows a spineless beta who gets told, by his future wife, that she would like to fuck other men, too. The occasional humor falls flat, but there is an interesting aspect of it, namely the power dynamics. But first, watch the video if you haven't already:
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Why I don't care about "community drama" anymore
I was the first inside critic of the "seduction community". I have wrecked the reputation of several marketers who posed as masters of seduction, and I even spent a good chunk of time analyzing the fundamental problems of this industry in an ebook I released free of charge, Debunking the Seduction Community. I edited a related book, Johnny’s Journey: Critical Lessons from my Involvement with the Seduction Community, which is likewise freely available. Some of the topics these books discuss are the deceptiveness of the industry, an explanation of the pickup business model and why honesty doesn't pay if you want to make money in it, and also how even fraudulent "gurus" can portray an aura of competence with women. In short, if you are marketing to guys who are both very inexperienced with women and gullible, it does not take much to find another idiot. The problem, though, and this is why pickup companies don't last long, is that it's not so easy to get a steady supply of gullible idiots.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
The Open Thread: November 2015
Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to
the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation to
the monthly 'Open Thread'.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
You can't "outgame" a crappy foundation
Johnny just posted a link to a great video that discusses the "fetishization around entrepreneurship in Africa", which deserves a wider audience. You may now think that this topic doesn't concern you at all, but the parallels to dating are strikingly obvious. Without wanting to go off a tangent, on an abstract level the issue is unjustified enthusiasm --- you can be as euphoric as you want, and think your "can do" attitude will get you anywhere, but it won't if you lack the means. If you've been following what's going on with the ongoing invasion of Europe by economic migrants ("gimmegrants'), and how deluded countries like Sweden and Germany deal with it, you'll be able to draw further parallels.
Here's the video, followed by what I think is the main quote.
Here's the video, followed by what I think is the main quote.
“I’m concerned about what I see is the fetishization around entrepreneurship in Africa. It’s almost like it’s the next new liberal thing. Like, don’t worry that there’s no power because hey, you’re going to do solar and innovate around that. Your schools suck, but hey there’s this new model of schooling. Your roads are terrible, but hey, Uber works in Nairobi and that’s innovation.
During the Greek bail out, no one was telling young Greek people to go and be entrepreneurs. (...) I feel that there’s a sense that oh, resilience and you know, innovate around things—it’s distracting us from dealing with fundamental problems that we cannot develop.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
The Open Thread: October 2015
Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation to the monthly 'Open Thread'.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Roosh V gets beer thrown in his face and followed by a mob in Montreal
I haven't written about Roosh V in quite a while. We've had a laugh at the Great Manosphere Invasion to Russia that never happened. In addition, I wrote a few posts that were critical of his kind of "game". Going abroad and hoping to make economic inequalities count in my favor is just nothing I consider particularly masculine to begin with.
Anyway, it seems that Roosh V has played up his PUA and anti-feminism angle a bit too much. Even though the claim is that there is no such thing as bad publicity, I'm tempted to believe that things are pretty bad if you need a bodyguard to protect you against an angry mob, which is exactly the situation Roosh V found himself in in Montreal some days ago.
Here's a video:
Anyway, it seems that Roosh V has played up his PUA and anti-feminism angle a bit too much. Even though the claim is that there is no such thing as bad publicity, I'm tempted to believe that things are pretty bad if you need a bodyguard to protect you against an angry mob, which is exactly the situation Roosh V found himself in in Montreal some days ago.
Here's a video:
Sunday, August 9, 2015
She claims she compensates for her (lack of) looks with her "intelligence and kindness"
Does anyone of you read the relationships board on Reddit? It's a veritable gold mine of comedy gold, and provides ample support for anybody who thinks that men are better off without women in the long run. It's not as if you needed much more examples for the reality-bending mental acrobatics some women engage: My [22 F] BF [29 M] said I'm not getting hired bc I'm unattractive
Let's start with this:
Let's start with this:
In elementary, I was teased about my weight. But, I was able to lose twenty pounds after high school. So, now, I'm 5'4" and 150 lbs. What sucks though, is that I still carry weight in my face and have an ugly double chin. I absolutely hate taking pictures because of that.
However, I feel that I've compensated for my looks with my intelligence and kindness. I know that I have an awesome personality. So, for the past couple of years, I've been content with myself.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
The Open Thread: August 2015
Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation to the monthly 'Open Thread'.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Yes, you sadly have to be (somewhat) exceptional to get girls
I noticed some traffic from a forum on hairloss to my blog, which sounded a bit odd. As it turned out, Mr. Balding has been trying to get some assistance from his little support group. It's somewhat odd to see some guys getting their panties in a twist and calling me an "asswipe", "Pathetically predictable (hemorrhoid) 'roid dopehead" (that's quite creative!) or a "privileged fullhead".
One comment stood out in particular:
One comment stood out in particular:
This! That's the paradox, they say it doesn't matter but all of a sudden you need to become this exceptional man in every area of his life to compensate for it. They don't even get the irony.I did not claim that you need to be exceptional in any area. However, it is a sad fact of life that women gravitate towards top-shelf men. Even a '3' may think she deserves a '7'. A few years ago a study by OKCupid made the rounds online, according to which women consider 80 % of men to be below average.
[W]omen rate an incredible 80% of guys as worse-looking than medium. Very harsh. On the other hand, when it comes to actual messaging, women shift their expectations only just slightly ahead of the curve, which is a healthier pattern than guys’ pursuing the all-but-unattainable. But with the basic ratings so out-of-whack, the two curves together suggest some strange possibilities for the female thought process, the most salient of which is that the average-looking woman has convinced herself that the vast majority of males aren’t good enough for her, but she then goes right out and messages them anyway.So, where does that leave average guys? It means that women, even when they initiate contact with you on an online dating site, may very well detest you because they are so deluded that they think they secretly deserve a male 10, but they rather get some loser in the mean time until Prince Charming descends from his horse and kneels down in front of her.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Wait, you’re telling me I have to make an effort in order to be attractive to women?
Following up on my last post, I’d like to cover another issue that was brought up by Mr. Balding, which he addresses in this paragraph:
First of all, yes, if you are not Hunter S. Thompson or Trevor Philips from GTA V, it may be worth thinking about shaving your head in case you’re losing your hair. A tan, or a healthy complexion is also often advantageous. Having the color of a broiled chicken, which, for instance, many Swedish girls have all year round, is not the best possible treatment for your skin, though. “Becoming huge”, or at least gaining some muscle, is also a good way to become generally more attractive. Note that I am not saying that you need to be bulked. Just having a toned body will go a very long way in terms of increasing your looks. If you “get huge” but all your muscles are covered in fat, it won’t do you much good.
In my experience, I know it's practically impossible for people who have hair to understand the struggle that is balding at a young age. They will offer you "solutions" like shaving it all off, getting a tan, and "becoming huge". As if those two last advices were healthy or so easy to put in practice. But in fact, they won't help at all, you will still remain "the bald guy" in the eyes of society. And in a time where looks are glorified in the media, you don't want to be that guy.
First of all, yes, if you are not Hunter S. Thompson or Trevor Philips from GTA V, it may be worth thinking about shaving your head in case you’re losing your hair. A tan, or a healthy complexion is also often advantageous. Having the color of a broiled chicken, which, for instance, many Swedish girls have all year round, is not the best possible treatment for your skin, though. “Becoming huge”, or at least gaining some muscle, is also a good way to become generally more attractive. Note that I am not saying that you need to be bulked. Just having a toned body will go a very long way in terms of increasing your looks. If you “get huge” but all your muscles are covered in fat, it won’t do you much good.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
About women who give you shit
There was a rather emotional comment in the most recent Open Thread, where a reader claimed that balding would be an enormous problem for men who are affected by it. Well, losing your hair will certainly not make it easier for you to get your dick wet, but it is hardly the beginning of a never-ending dry spell. That comment caught my attention not so much because of the topic —- baldness — but due to the many attribution errors. In this article, I’d like to briefly discuss one of them.
So, have a look at the following paragraph, and think about what the problem with the bolded sentence might be:
So, have a look at the following paragraph, and think about what the problem with the bolded sentence might be:
I know you're not bald or even balding Aaron, so to do this, I suggest you gather opinions from bald men, especially men who have dealt with balding in their late teens and early 20's. I've been in that situation, and it was no walk in the park. Women telling me flat out that they don't date bald guys, women abusing me when I was in a relationship with them, and often replacing me once they had found a guy similar to me that had a full head of hair.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
The Open Thread: July 2015
Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation to the monthly 'Open Thread'.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Is Nature “unfair” to Women?
I had an interesting conversation with a male Swedish feminist typical Swedish guy the other day. As it is often the case, once they have a few beers, they often make some very surprising statements that hint at some of the confusion they experience due to decades of indoctrination. He must have had two beers at this point, and part of his true personality apparently came through, because he suddenly talked about a “female friend” of his (translation: fuck buddy). He is close to 30, she is in her mid-thirties, and she seems to sometimes lament that she cannot find a guy to commit to her. For a moment I considered informing him about the fact that his fuck buddy relationship was somewhat one-sided, since she apparently has bigger plans for him. [My prediction is that she would end this arrangement as soon as she got a guy to really commit to her, but for plenty of women getting at least some dick on the side and fostering the delusion of a relationship is better than getting none at all and spending every evening with a bowl of ice cream in front of the TV.]
All of that is just a prelude to the rather amusing statement I then heard, as he claimed that nature was “unfair” to women. Said unfairness seemed to consist of the fact that men can be promiscuous at a time when women tend to start to panic because a lot of those guys who happily blew a load in them disappeared as quickly as they came, sometimes literally, and all those she “really liked”, because they were hotter than the average she could normally get, had no sustained interest in her.
As I thought about that, it quickly dawned on me that there is no unfairness at all. Women blossom sooner, for sure. So, a woman in her early thirties who has a hard time finding a guy who wants to keep her should first and foremost ask herself how it happened that she ended up being alone after 20 years of sexual activity.
All of that is just a prelude to the rather amusing statement I then heard, as he claimed that nature was “unfair” to women. Said unfairness seemed to consist of the fact that men can be promiscuous at a time when women tend to start to panic because a lot of those guys who happily blew a load in them disappeared as quickly as they came, sometimes literally, and all those she “really liked”, because they were hotter than the average she could normally get, had no sustained interest in her.
As I thought about that, it quickly dawned on me that there is no unfairness at all. Women blossom sooner, for sure. So, a woman in her early thirties who has a hard time finding a guy who wants to keep her should first and foremost ask herself how it happened that she ended up being alone after 20 years of sexual activity.
Monday, June 1, 2015
The Open Thread: June 2015
Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation to the monthly 'Open Thread'.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Let’s talk about cuckoldry figures for a moment
Recently a reader commented on my post, Does every girl have her price?, that cuckoldry rates are most likely a lot lower than often assumed among critical thinkers misogynists. The reference he provides points to the Discovery Magazine, where Razib Khan attempts to dispel the alleged cuckoldry myth.
That article is a pretty nice example of blatant agenda. It seems that Razib Khan does like to steer his readers towards making particular conclusions. Okay, so maybe the 10% figure is overblown, or any low two-digit percent number. But raising another mans offspring with your resources, while you believe that that kid who for whatever reason does not look like you at all, despite the family of your wife stressing over and over how similar you two are, is not a trifling matter.
That article is a pretty nice example of blatant agenda. It seems that Razib Khan does like to steer his readers towards making particular conclusions. Okay, so maybe the 10% figure is overblown, or any low two-digit percent number. But raising another mans offspring with your resources, while you believe that that kid who for whatever reason does not look like you at all, despite the family of your wife stressing over and over how similar you two are, is not a trifling matter.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Let's say NO to nutritional facts! (No, not really.)
I was trawling Tumblr the other day for further evidence of human stupidity. Suffice it to say that a lot of people are really fucking stupid. Sadly I lost the link, but there was one blog where a young woman claimed she no longer wanted to suffer from an eating disorder anymore --- and then went on to fatten up. I wish she would have posted some 'before' pictures, or just any pictures of herself. Instead, she wrote a few posts against "nutritional facts" because they gave her a bad conscience when she was eating crappy food and, apparently unbeknownst to her, saddling society with a future medical bill of hundreds of thousands of dollars once she needs treatment for her type II Diabetes and various other obesity-related illnesses. But, you go girl!
Here's the picture of how she dealt with the oppression through nutritional facts:
Here's the picture of how she dealt with the oppression through nutritional facts:
![]() |
Why bother with facts when you can have feelings instead? |
The Open Thread: May 2015
Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation to the monthly 'Open Thread'.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and the other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and the other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Reader Submission: Feminism as an accelerant of female parasitism (by Marco_Polo)
Marco_Polo just left a comment which I thought deserves to be promoted to the front page. In the current Open Thread there is an interesting ongoing discussion on the transactional nature of male/female interactions. Brent highlighted that some women don't hold up their end of the deal and instead merely want to extract resources (time, money, attention) without giving anything back. I'm sure many "beta providers" and "orbiters" can relate to that. The underlying dynamic is that for men physical attraction is important, while women often bond with guys for their resources, despite a lack of attraction. Of course, they satiate their sexual needs by cheating on their partners.
Marco_Polo responds:
I am convinced those feelings are a large reason why nowadays a lot of women eventually file for a divorce, because they cannot deny their feelings of disdain towards their mate any longer. I wager that this is not a new phenomenon, but has been part of the female psychological make-up ever since. Back then they quenched their frustration by reading pulp romance novels or getting treated for "hysteria" by doctors (which is how the vibrator got invented btw.). The only difference is that today women CAN get divorced without being stigmatized, that they CAN earn their own money and that they are encouraged to show this disdain openly, should they wish to do so. Only, as parasites they don't really profit from any of these achievements.
Marco_Polo responds:
I am convinced those feelings are a large reason why nowadays a lot of women eventually file for a divorce, because they cannot deny their feelings of disdain towards their mate any longer. I wager that this is not a new phenomenon, but has been part of the female psychological make-up ever since. Back then they quenched their frustration by reading pulp romance novels or getting treated for "hysteria" by doctors (which is how the vibrator got invented btw.). The only difference is that today women CAN get divorced without being stigmatized, that they CAN earn their own money and that they are encouraged to show this disdain openly, should they wish to do so. Only, as parasites they don't really profit from any of these achievements.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Reader Submission: Beckster PUA Residential Scam
A reader asked me to post the following review of a residential he did with Beckster PUA in London. I think it's a good example how ruthlessly PUAs take advantage of vulnerable men, and furthermore highlights their shady business practice. It must be shame, paired with insecurity, that keeps the victims of PUAs from getting legal counsel.
Beckster charges £4000 for his residential fraud. Beckster knew I was depressed and told me him and his instructors would help me get results. Instead the course made things so much worst and I regret doing the course everyday and now suffer from ptsd plus increased depression after dealing with this fraudster who has financially and emotionally ruined me. Before I started these are some of the things beckster said ‘we are and honest honourable company’, ‘I will teach you how to get threesomes’. What a lie that turned out to be as there was nothing honourable about him and didn't teach me anything of the sort about getting threesomes. Beckster said that his instructors were all booked and he will personally teach me for most of the residential. He also lied saying height and looks don’t matter to women. I was so stupid at the time that I believed him. He also bad mouthed other people such as kingy, Richard la ruina, kezia noble saying that they stole his methods and said they were shit.
Beckster claims that he teaches he teaches to combine routines and talking natural. This is nothing further from the truth. All him and his crew of instructors do, is give you routines that are already on the net and tells you to go up and use them and ‘then somehow your mind will figure out what to say’ according to beckster. My mind didn’t figure out anything to say, nor did his routines work on the 100s of women I approached.
Beckster also gave me instructors that were approach coaches that were not trained at all. Few of them were doing their first residential and were not experienced. He lied to me from the beginning saying that his instructors had amazing game. His instructors were consistently rejected and had no success which brought down my confidence aswell.
Beckster charges £4000 for his residential fraud. Beckster knew I was depressed and told me him and his instructors would help me get results. Instead the course made things so much worst and I regret doing the course everyday and now suffer from ptsd plus increased depression after dealing with this fraudster who has financially and emotionally ruined me. Before I started these are some of the things beckster said ‘we are and honest honourable company’, ‘I will teach you how to get threesomes’. What a lie that turned out to be as there was nothing honourable about him and didn't teach me anything of the sort about getting threesomes. Beckster said that his instructors were all booked and he will personally teach me for most of the residential. He also lied saying height and looks don’t matter to women. I was so stupid at the time that I believed him. He also bad mouthed other people such as kingy, Richard la ruina, kezia noble saying that they stole his methods and said they were shit.
Beckster claims that he teaches he teaches to combine routines and talking natural. This is nothing further from the truth. All him and his crew of instructors do, is give you routines that are already on the net and tells you to go up and use them and ‘then somehow your mind will figure out what to say’ according to beckster. My mind didn’t figure out anything to say, nor did his routines work on the 100s of women I approached.
Beckster also gave me instructors that were approach coaches that were not trained at all. Few of them were doing their first residential and were not experienced. He lied to me from the beginning saying that his instructors had amazing game. His instructors were consistently rejected and had no success which brought down my confidence aswell.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Wife turns into Whale, Pressures Husband into Taking Viagra
Mitchel just posted one of the most ludicrous examples of female entitlement: it's the common story of a woman who managed to maintain her weight for as long as she didn't have a ring on her finger, but fattened up faster than you could say, "no, I don't want fries with that" afterwards. We're not talking about a few kilos --- which is bad enough --- but about a whopping 45 pounds in two years! Apparently she started consuming about 50 % more calories as soon as she got married.
But, hey, she was "miserable' when she was slim, and now she has joined the church of HAES (Healthy At Every Size), a fat apologists' movement. That sure is a fancy way of saying that you're a slob who lacks discipline and self-respect.
But, hey, she was "miserable' when she was slim, and now she has joined the church of HAES (Healthy At Every Size), a fat apologists' movement. That sure is a fancy way of saying that you're a slob who lacks discipline and self-respect.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
The Open Thread: April 2015
Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation to the monthly 'Open Thread'.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and the other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and the other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
"Girlfriend flirts with other guy, hands out number. Should I be upset?"
I stumbled upon an amusing post on the MISC on Some guy hangs out with his girl, and he's so alpha that he doesn't mind of some other 'bro' picks her up in front of him:
I don't know if I should be pissed or not brahs pls help. So we go out with my friends and there's a couple guys there who I haven't met but are friends of friends. The one talked to my gf here and there but nothing over the line, he seemed like some beta trying to do the nice guy act and I wasn't bothered. I'm also not sure if he knew we were together because we weren't very touchy. But anyway I go to the bathroom later and I sit down and I'm actually third wheeling while they're chatting and I didnt want to be needy so I become a bit annoyed and I strike up a conversation with some girls across from me to not look awkward and I eaves drop on my gf and the conversation seems neutral, nothing that makes her seem slutty (aside from the fact that she should have acknowledged me when I sat down) but then while I talk to the girls I hear her spelling her name and I see he's busy typing her number in his phone. Wtf. So I ask her what's going on and she says oh no he was telling me about these zero calorie energy drinks and it sounded interesting so I gave him my number about it. Fukin lmao really?? Thing is she was quite drunk and she genuinely did not realise she was being slooty which is why I feel bad for being pissed at her because she's just naive like that she thought he was being nice but I mean I don't want my btch giving out her number while I'm right there. Misc wut do? Am I overreacting?
Sunday, March 8, 2015
The alleged Double Standard of Height (Men) vs Weight (Women)
Cani recently alerted me to a thread on Reddit, leading to a rather amusing picture showing an exchange between a guy and a girl. The girl bluntly asks the guy how tall he is. Since he’s 6’3” everything is great — but when he asks her about her weight, she gets all defensive and petulantly poses the question why this would even matter:
Now, as some of you might be able to confirm, height is basically fixed. Yes, I know, you’re a little bit taller in the morning, and once you’re in your 70s or 80s, you can expect to shrink. But for practical purposes a tall guy is a tall guy is a tall guy. In short — no pun intended — if a woman marries a tall guy, that guy will remain tall. There is zero risk that he’ll be a foot or two shorter one year after.
Now, as some of you might be able to confirm, height is basically fixed. Yes, I know, you’re a little bit taller in the morning, and once you’re in your 70s or 80s, you can expect to shrink. But for practical purposes a tall guy is a tall guy is a tall guy. In short — no pun intended — if a woman marries a tall guy, that guy will remain tall. There is zero risk that he’ll be a foot or two shorter one year after.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Ad: Bottom-Tier Obese Woman Seeks Top-Tier Male. Losers need not apply.
I received an email from S. some hours ago, who sent me a link to a Craigslist ad that kept getting funnier until the very end. It is a fantastic example of female entitlement. The text is shown below. As it seems, it's not overly difficult to find ads, either on Craigslist or elsewhere, where utterly delusional women demand their Prince Charming to contact them, like, right fucking now.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Guest Post: An Honest Beckster PUA Bootcamp Review
I was recently contacted by J. who asked me to publish the review below, in order to spread awareness of the conduct of a professional PUA coach named Beckster. I vaguely remember that he's active in the London scene, probably a mid-tier guy. Since there aren't many authentic PUA bootcamp reviews available online, I agreed to do my share to rectify this situation.
This is going to be an honest review of the Beckster PUA bootcamp that I attended a few months ago in London. Just a bit about my current position and experience. I've been doing a lot of reading for a few months now. Only very recently have I gone out in the field. I've done only a few approaches in the daytime and nighttime. What I wanted to get out of the bootcamp was how to get rid of approach anxiety (too often I've seen women at the tube station and in supermarkets and I wished that I had the ability to strike up a conversation with them), how to make my conversation more interesting (I used to be painfully shy - I'm much better now but still shy and my conversations tend to be very straight to the point) and how to sexually escalate (I do not know how to do this especially how I've been fed the crap throughout my life about not viewing women as sex objects). It cost £790 for 2 days.
This is going to be an honest review of the Beckster PUA bootcamp that I attended a few months ago in London. Just a bit about my current position and experience. I've been doing a lot of reading for a few months now. Only very recently have I gone out in the field. I've done only a few approaches in the daytime and nighttime. What I wanted to get out of the bootcamp was how to get rid of approach anxiety (too often I've seen women at the tube station and in supermarkets and I wished that I had the ability to strike up a conversation with them), how to make my conversation more interesting (I used to be painfully shy - I'm much better now but still shy and my conversations tend to be very straight to the point) and how to sexually escalate (I do not know how to do this especially how I've been fed the crap throughout my life about not viewing women as sex objects). It cost £790 for 2 days.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Video: Wife Zone and Husband Zone
Topher recently posted this utterly politically incorrect, yet factually correct video on marriage partner selection on my forum. It's probably not a good idea to watch it in the company of SJWs:
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below! (Also, if you’ve got a comment that is off-topic or only tangentially related to this article, then please post in the most recent Open Thread. Thank you.)
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below! (Also, if you’ve got a comment that is off-topic or only tangentially related to this article, then please post in the most recent Open Thread. Thank you.)
The Open Thread: March 2015
Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation to the monthly 'Open Thread'.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and the other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and the other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Does every girl have her price?
Marco_Polo recently mentioned a prank video in which some guy offers a woman $2,000 for sex, and she agrees, with the qualifier "but only if it's quick". She isn't quite so pleased when he tells her that he wasn't serious, because she was serious about it. Well, as long as it's quick.
Personally, I would have loved to see him haggle. You see that he's pulling out a wad of cash (who carries around $2,000?). She didn't find this suspicious at all. It would have been hilarious had he pretended to fumble up --- "Shit, I only have about $700 here. Can we do it for $500 as well?"
Personally, I would have loved to see him haggle. You see that he's pulling out a wad of cash (who carries around $2,000?). She didn't find this suspicious at all. It would have been hilarious had he pretended to fumble up --- "Shit, I only have about $700 here. Can we do it for $500 as well?"
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
About Male and Female Maturity
An anonymous reader commented, on my article “An Anecdote on Female Intere$t” that younger women may date older men because they view men their own age to be “kids”. The topic of maturity comes up some times, so it seemed appropriate to share my thoughts on it. In short, I don’t think people mature a whole lot after a certain age. If anything, your life experiences lead you to refine your personality, but not fundamentally change it.
Monday, February 23, 2015
"Dude, you better get married soon. You're getting older."
Mitchel left an interesting comment on my post “An Anecdote on Female Intere$t":
How right he is! Indeed, I’ve noticed that the shaming language that is used to tell me that they should “man up” and marry seems as if it is targeted at women. No, guys, your sexual market value is not dropping off a cliff in your thirties. With just a little bit of foresight, your 30s will be the time were your life will literally take off --- this is certainly something I witness among my single friends in their 30s with solid careers who have all their bases covered.
Although I am very open to marriage to in the next 2ish to 3 years, I'm in no rush. I'm not letting myself go, and my value is not dropping any time soon.
How right he is! Indeed, I’ve noticed that the shaming language that is used to tell me that they should “man up” and marry seems as if it is targeted at women. No, guys, your sexual market value is not dropping off a cliff in your thirties. With just a little bit of foresight, your 30s will be the time were your life will literally take off --- this is certainly something I witness among my single friends in their 30s with solid careers who have all their bases covered.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
An Anecdote on Female Intere$t
I recently caught up with an old friend of mine, a very analytical guy with geeky interests. As it so happened, he was able to leverage his intellectual abilities and ended up with a pretty decent job after college. A few years into his career as an "engineer" (i.e. software developer), he's now pretty well established. I helped him out with the "getting chicks" part, and while he is nowhere near his full potential, he has at least learnt to not fuck things up too badly when a girl is into him. Compared to the average guy he does pretty well, and compared to the average geek he's a rockstar.
Site Recommendation:
There aren't a lot of people online who promote a genuine no-nonsense approach to life. This is particularly true for sites that target men. The basics of working out, nutrition, and hitting on women, to pick three topics of perennial interest for most men, are simple. Yet, I wouldn't know that if you only read manosphere blogs.
I'm happy that Mitchel informed me of his project His goal is to give men actionable advice, free from any bullshit. The first articles on his site are promising. There seems to be a strong focus on health and nutrition, but that's hardly a bad thing, considering in what poor shape the average guy is in.
Overall, I see a good deal of the "Minimal Game" mindset reflected in Mitchel's writing, so if you've enjoyed my work, you'll probably get something out of his site as well.
Monday, February 16, 2015
The Open Thread: February 2015
Since I get a relatively high number of comments that are tangential to the articles, I'd like to try to move those parts of the conversation elsewhere. Thus, I'm setting up an open thread. I'll have to see how it will be received.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and the other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
In short, it you think anything you're going to write is "off topic" to the current post, but still related to pickup, women, gender politics and the other topics I discuss on this blog, then please leave a comment to the most recent Open Thread, such like this one. Just post below.
Thank you.
Monday, February 2, 2015
The dumbest comment anybody ever left on this blog
I've seen a lot of nonsense, but nothing quite like the comment below, which, perhaps fittingly, was posted by an Anonymous under my review of Mark Manson's Models.
Woman are attracted to tall, good looking, rich etc.. that is completely wrong for anyone who actually succeeds in getting a lot of women.
It can be true in college or for stereotypical americans, brainwashed by the media but as sophisticated, exposed, mature adult, its is very disappointing and sad to actually believe thats what women want. It is so far from the truth.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Is Roosh banging hookers in third-world countries, but unaware of it?
Today one of my readers left the following rather interesting comment on Roosh:
Roosh bangs hookers in foreign countries and doesn't pay them. It can be seen in his stories when some women ask for money before or after sex (they usually phrase it as needing it for a cab, medicine, or something, possibly to dodge prostitution laws).
Roosh and Swoop the World (another Rooshite apparently) are perfectly okay with fucking hookers as long as they don't pay for it (otherwise it wouldn't count as a "notch"). So, these guys aren't necessarily fucking a normal woman in these countries.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Found on Roosh’s forum: Guy does 3000 approaches in 10 years, has zero success, and wonders why “game” doesn’t work
I was recently made aware of a rather intriguing post on Roosh’s forum that perfectly illustrates everything that’s wrong with “gamers”: Why Hasn't Game Worked?
In short, some dude writes down his life story in a few thousands words, and the gist of it is that despite swallowing the “red pill”, and diligently approaching women with his amazing game, he never got laid. You can probably sense were this is going: he’s obviously wondering why his “technique” doesn’t work.
In short, some dude writes down his life story in a few thousands words, and the gist of it is that despite swallowing the “red pill”, and diligently approaching women with his amazing game, he never got laid. You can probably sense were this is going: he’s obviously wondering why his “technique” doesn’t work.
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